Well-Known Member
OVer the years, i've grown tired of framing stands, scrogs, etc, etc with wood. Sick of all the screws for the trellis, etc. On my current hobby room, I'm about to set up a scrog with PVC, probably 3/4". I will not be gluing the PVC so I can easily break it down or make height, width adjustments if necessary. I've got a pretty good idea of where I'll be using 90 degrees, Ts, etc and how I'll be setting up the base, center, and top. I want to have the first set of trellis about 18" above my net pots, then another set 9" above that (my buddy is using these measurements and is killing it). I will be attaching and tightening the trellis nets with zip ties only. This, again, will make width, tightness, etc adjustments much easier.
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