Well-Known Member
That looks like fire. How is it so far? What step are you on in the preeding process?
Hey Hazy,
It's pretty nice so far! I've been aiming for use appeal over yield and I think I've isolated some desirable genetics for sure. I'm still going thru the first generation to find a pheno that I really love. I've found a few good ones so far, but I'll only continue to #2 when I find the one that hits home. It's a goose chase because the P1 Blueberry had a very poor plant structure but had amazing potency, taste and fragrance. The P2 Cheese that I used had a very wonderful plant structure and pretty solid everything else.. so I'm hunting down a 1st generation that has the good qualities of P1 with the plant structure of P2.
Here's a few pics of a recent F1 I chopped:

It's been slightly neglected, things have been hectic and haven't had much time to devote to them, but this one was chopped today along with another one. The second I have no pics to post, but it's quite an interesting bird... I let them both go for a very long time in flower, and the second fox-tailed like a drama queen.