post your dinafem pics here!


That is one fine looking plant sixk51. You gonna wait the 55 days? Seems like I got to week 3 of 12/12 and time has stopped...


That is one fine looking plant sixk51. You gonna wait the 55 days? Seems like I got to week 3 of 12/12 and time has stopped...
I think 55 days isn't going to be nearly enough. I had the scope out today and the trichromes are clear as glass and most still haven't even developed yet.

I wouldn't worry too much. This plant has seemed to stop on me 3 or 4 times now only to surprise me a few days later every time.

This plant is 43 days old and is still producing new pistil. Only a small amount have begun to die off.


I had a terrible migraine coming on yesterday so I clipped a small bud off the lower area. Usually I'm against doing this, but my headache was terrible and I had to try something. I put it in a dehydrator for 4 hours then put it in the microwave for 30 seconds to crisp it up a bit.

The high was amazing even with all trichs being mostly clear. Smoked 2 small bowls (although 1 would have done the trick) and was high for hours. I really expected a paranoid head high, but surprisingly enough it was anything but. Although it did jack shit for the headache :( but I was so I high I didn't even care, lol so on the other hand I guess it helped.

All in all if something came up and I had to cut it today I would have no problem with the quality. So from here on out no nutes gonna let her leach everything out of the leaves and get ready for the chop.


Apologies for the massive amount of pics... the blue hash loves the camera! :D Damn was hoping to chop before xmas but if it takes more than 9 weeks i'll be trimming popcorn buds off too :eyesmoke: i got sativas in wit the bh, so i hope it doesn't take til the new year...:roll: great to hear you enjoyed the smoke too sixk51...been hearing some verrry good things about recently harvested bh also from dinafem via attitude. will be trying some of a friend of mine on thursday which has been curing for a fortnight :bigjoint::peace:



Well-Known Member
Since growing my attitude order ( easy ryders) I need some more smoke so I will try the blue hash and cali hash that are freebies. great to hear they aren't crappy as the gh seeds i tried.


Well-Known Member
got a Cali hash, 58 days old from seed, 28 days in 12/12...I can get new pics, but it will have to wait till morn as she is asleep for the night...She gets plenty of beauty sleep tho bc she is gorgeous... :)


Well-Known Member
Hi all, cool thread i'v got a cali hash plant also in flower coming up to third week now, she is not the healthiest plant i vegged her for 2 months without ANY nutes lol
this pic was taken a week ago all older growth is dead !!
Also a pic of the roadrunner i harvested about 3-4 weeks ago, such a cool auto exotic fruity smell nice uplifting high best freebie ever !! :leaf:



Well-Known Member
she gets FF nutes everyother watering...started with Root stim till the 7th week, root stim and grow big from week 3 to 6, then tiger bloom for a few weeks, then tiger bloom, beasties bloomz and molasses for a few weeks....She will be finished in less than 3 weeks I am guessing and will be switched to molasses only for the last week or so....She is awake for the morn, so let me get a fresh shot on day 59....I want a Roadrunner freebie...I cant believe they didnt send me one sicne I bought all autos anyways and it would have benefitted me more, but I am SO GLAD I started this cali hash!!! Its gonna be the Blue Widow or an LA Woman for the next freebie grow when cali is done...


Well-Known Member
she is wanting a bath this morn so she may look a lil droopy...They are getting ther thanksgiving feast a day late...LOL


Well-Known Member
Looking good man,very similar to mine shape wise, if i can pull those size buds off i'l be happy !! hows the smell?
will stick around if ur gonna post ur final yield,
mine is crying out for nutes not too sure on what to give her just on the organic bat guano atm so im gonna see how she goes. rep dude. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Nice shape and symmentry kook! looking good bro! mine got bout a week to 10 days tops left..pretty stoked about it...


cheers matt.. yeh am very impressed with how it turning out for a freebie from the 'tude. did no lst, just let it chill the whole time.. kind of regret it for the lower buds but might have to stagger harvest again :wall: love the look of your girl..will be intereted to hear your yield dude :eyesmoke: not sure how much on this blue hash perhaps 2 zips i hope.