Post your best rappers and video links

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New Member
how you post the video?
copy and paste the link the way you do but change that into.

i had to put the spaces in to explain as it wont show but there are none.
[ youtube ] the add the youtube code in between the = signs and ending it with [ /youtube ] copy it case sensitive there are no spaces and if you see one it will be a _ symbol. some numbers and letters are both in small and capital letters they must be right and its just everything after the = symbol without any spaces.
click on my signatures and see what you can figure out.



Well-Known Member
omfg no herd of mac dre u all wack tho...... hahahhahahahhah jk but check my next post mac dre gos rip furl bay area thizz or die chu beezyz


New Member
have a read at this for posting your vids as well as the link.

copy and paste the link the way you do but change that into.

NO SPACES BETWEEN THE = at the start and end (dont include the=) its just [youtube ] the code and ending with
(i had to put the spaces in to explain as it wont show but there are no spaces in between the youtube and brackets at the start and end the only difference at the end you need to add a /youtube in between the brackets).
so [youtube ] the add the youtube code in between the = signs and ending it with [ /youtube ] copy it case sensitive there are no spaces and if you see one it will be a _ symbol. some numbers and letters are both in small and capital letters they must be right and its just everything after the = symbol without any spaces and it will end with a = but dont use that just everything in between.
click on my signatures and see what you can figure out.


take this at the end >>>> 05IDkLyaSI4 <<<<

and place it between this [.youtube] here no spaces [/youtube.]

but no periods in the brackets and no spaces between brackets..

This is What he is explaining.. ;-)
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