My fiance was like yeah I'll smoke meth do lsd, weed, many opiates, shrooms and drink but when I bring up DMT and she freaks on me...
I'm like... you don't make any sense! She is like I will NEVER do Dmt and you wont either!.... 1 hour later she had finally gotten okay with me doing DMT she still doesn't want to do it.. I respect her in the decision but she best not keep me from mine.
So now hopefully soon I can start my extraction :]
Hahaha I wish my girlfriend was that close to drugs let alone taking DMT. She has a heart condition called hypraventricular tachicardia (or something very close

) so can`t take any stimulants including redbull. The doctor said she was fine with cannabis though, just proves how fucking safe a drug it is! I embarassingly never managed to get her high, tried giving her spliffs and bongs about 5 times and she couldn`t. Tried cooking a brownie for her birthday but she wanted to include her friends but in the end it got split into 10 fucking pieces, LOL. I was the only one who got high cus I ate the residue in the bowl and all
Shes okay with me doing cannabis and psychedelics but don`t think she ever can/will try a psychedelic. I do often wonder if her condition can handle psychedelics but will never dare to try unless her doctor says so or some other very reliable scientific source. We have been together for over 3 years now and I`m not losing her to a drug!
I`ll try a vaporiser with her next anway

Or a big cake for her 21st birthday with lots of goodie in it
Edit: I just cut out a whole lot of shit that was supposed to go to the alien genetics thead. Its because I`m stoned, lol You guys must of thought I was fucking bonkers