Post That Sack You Just Got

So I did get that hash, yee niggaz... It's super soft, and really pliable... and SMELLS so stanky... fuck its good shit!! It was .5 short... but he wanted $205 for it and we only had $200 bucks so...

Anyway enjoy the pics...

dam it looks hella bomb but i dont know if im just parnoid but you have way to much residue on your scale i keep it clean no evidence
The scale never leaves my house so I could care less what's on it.. It's just THC haha.

And yes, this hash is hella bomb
woweeee verre good deal

I'd be down for some yummmmm herb ironed hash with keif sprinkled on top, roasted slowly and burned over the course of 10-15 puffs

i'm about to make a stick of butter, with 60g vaped/sort of vaped bud, and 1g of space queen x cheese for shits :)
more 65 an oz weed. Still nice for the money.

Im sorry you have to smoke that... looks like straight poop weed... looks like the regs I make oil with... (no offense, it makes good oil) but for $65 an ounce wtf u doin smoking it? Buy two zips and make oil and there ya go
Im sorry you have to smoke that... looks like straight poop weed... looks like the regs I make oil with... (no offense, it makes good oil) but for $65 an ounce wtf u doin smoking it? Buy two zips and make oil and there ya go

its better than nothin!

it loks good, just poorly trimmed like some commercial
It's plain ass weed. I live in weed hell. So until my two plants produce, this is what i have to smoke.
I have only made bubble hash and keif hash. Hell i cant even get used to vaping weed, im old school. i just set the shit on fire and breathe in the smoke.. What brand of butane, if thats what you use, is the cleanest to use?

It's plain ass weed. I live in weed hell. So until my two plants produce, this is what i have to smoke.
I have only made bubble hash and keif hash. Hell i cant even get used to vaping weed, im old school. i just set the shit on fire and breathe in the smoke.. What brand of butane, if thats what you use, is the cleanest to use?

If you're going to make BHO then use Colibri butane... always good results... relatively pure... it's good stuff... or you could just make iso hash / oil and its a lot easier and cheaper.
I have two bottles of 99% rubbing alcohol that should work perfectly for this, I read a faq on how to do iso hash.
Looks easy enough. Looks like i could do this in stealth mode.

You wont get much in return with iso hash but its worth a go and it'll smoke long. My guess would be ~2.2g per ounce with iso. Maybe and eighth each with Butane if it's crystaly, I can't really tell.
I watched a youtube on how to make iso hash, I will probably wait and do this with trim from my plants. that would be a great time to process it. this stuff isnt covered in sugar at all. That comes with the home grown i grow.

Thanks for turning me on to iso hash, it looks safer.

You wont get much in return with iso hash but its worth a go and it'll smoke long. My guess would be ~2.2g per ounce with iso. Maybe and eighth each with Butane if it's crystaly, I can't really tell.

Not necessarily, I got 9 grams of oil from 2.5 ounces of some pretty hurtin weed (did two washes though)
Wow 9 grams? thats sweet. I have a couple ozs of dried trim thats in a jar waiting to be used. I will wash that along with a zip or two of buds and see what i come up with. I will make sure to double wash each load. Thanks everyone!
