Post-partum after first real grow


First real grow I call it but I was just winging it on something I heard 35 years ago. I’m much better informed now that I found this site.

Bag seed dropped and transplanted. Huge candy striped stems and branches. I planted in peat and compost with no perlite and used fish emulsion. Watered daily. Extreme heat and 7 hrs Full sun.

I harvested when the girl looked like she couldn’t go on. Lots of tri middle of the road between amber cloudy, very sticky. But the plant seemed starved and slowed done the buds were filling so slowly. Discreet aroma.

I stunted the plant when I brought her in during hurricane Dorian. A/C was running and I thought a too wet plant needed a reprieve from drowning. Worked. Plus the defoliation ,just to hide her underworld identity. She looked weary towards the end. I have my regrets.

I marveled at this little seedling. Attended daily hourly. Rushed home at lunch. Studied every nook and cranny. Wanted to tell the world but couldn’t tell a sole. I spent a lot of time and energy keeping my girl happy and her companions-my living screen. Lots of rain water was lugged.

But the date was set and the chopping commenced. The bounty was well received albeit fluffy. Early samples proved a great buzz. Hoping for a positive cure.

But the let down of not having her here now. I walk outside still only to find an empty saucer. I remember her different looks and moods. Her fragrance. The hours we spent under the stars. We were so close our thoughts the same but no words were spoken.

RIP Stella.

Father Ramirez

Well-Known Member
Excellent write up, sir! Post partum is precisely the term I didn’t come up with when pining for my girl after my virgin grow. And you have my compassion, for it is a sad day when there is no one left in the garden. @PrometheanLeaf suggests you start anew indoors, and I concur. Although, should you allow your basement to thereafter go dark, the absence of light and life is even more profound and painful.
Enjoy your harvest!