Post Kidney Transplant

jimmy 2 step

Well-Known Member
I received my kidney transplant at 1 pm june 22nd of this year , It's been almost 5 months now , after waiting a lil over 7 years for the damn thing. the kidney itself has worked superb, if it wasnt for a CMV infection i got 7 weeks post transplant and im still fighting 17 weeks later, it has only slowed me down a week or 2 .Smoking weed and edibles have been some of my best friends during this 7 year journey and they have helped tremendously and still do . I'm starting back to work in a few weeks end of november or beginning of december

If anyone here has family or friends currently waiting for a kidney transplant or starting dialysis or are new to dialysis and have questions i can certainly give u information that i may have and answer any questions i can
I need to sell a kidney, whats the tax rate on sales?

j/k, congrats, hope you advance in your healing.

Just be a donor , Talk to your family let them know your wish to be a donor ,You could save a life or multiple lives.

Healing will continue to be a daily thing , The hard part started years ago when i was first diagnosed with End Stage Kidney Disease, with lifestyle changes , and support from my Wife , family and friends when your going through ups and downs ,is important aswell .
Just be a donor , Talk to your family let them know your wish to be a donor ,You could save a life or multiple lives.

Healing will continue to be a daily thing , The hard part started years ago when i was first diagnosed with End Stage Kidney Disease, with lifestyle changes , and support from my Wife , family and friends when your going through ups and downs ,is important aswell .

I'm on shit to slow mine down, so it's gotta be black market salesman.:lol:
For the most part yes , but it can boost your immune system and have adverse effects on my anti rejection drugs .

So mean you aware about alfa alfa....i am from very cultural medicine country.....and im scard about surgeryes...needles ...since i drink alcohol i also really care.... What i do for kidneys is i take 2 grams moringa time to time and alfa-alfa ...Also i heard lot of things about Himalaya products and now (USA) products and trying..... One of my friends got protein leak in kidneys and liver damage same time and (he was very irresponsible person i have seen my life ) And he was treating with milk thistle (liver detox product brand i am not sure ) and alfa alfa and he's Turing very good and seems treatments are very effective.... I belive in traditional treatments :)
I received my kidney transplant at 1 pm june 22nd of this year , It's been almost 5 months now , after waiting a lil over 7 years for the damn thing. the kidney itself has worked superb, if it wasnt for a CMV infection i got 7 weeks post transplant and im still fighting 17 weeks later, it has only slowed me down a week or 2 .Smoking weed and edibles have been some of my best friends during this 7 year journey and they have helped tremendously and still do . I'm starting back to work in a few weeks end of november or beginning of december

If anyone here has family or friends currently waiting for a kidney transplant or starting dialysis or are new to dialysis and have questions i can certainly give u information that i may have and answer any questions i can
How are you doing with the CMV now? At 6 months s/p transplant usually CMV is cleared or almost cleared. Did you get gancicylovir or valganciclovir, any viremia left? Anyway nice to see you here and glad you are doing well post transplant.
How are you doing with the CMV now? At 6 months s/p transplant usually CMV is cleared or almost cleared. Did you get gancicylovir or valganciclovir, any viremia left? Anyway nice to see you here and glad you are doing well post transplant.

I was misdiagnosed , i wasn't showing any signs of of CMV, so for roughly 12 days it just festered to the point i was in 24/7 abdominal pain which they say was from my high intake of magnesium in different foods i was eating to raise my magnesium . Few more days past they told me to go to ER then they transfered me to the transplant unit with a CMV load of 360,000 started on valganciclovir and viral load went down to 652 by end of august . Around the start of september my viral load started to rise 652 to 1590 to 10000 to 21000 at end of september was re-admitted my CMV mutated and a resistant strain of CMV took hold and valganciclovir was no longer working CMV climbed to 120000 hospitalized for about 9 days and sent home on new meds after i stablelized . So here we are jan 16th i have been taking a new drug call prevymis since october , 7,300 canadian a month luckily health plan covers it. Last weeks CMV count was 149 when i have 2 results back of 0 viral load i will need to take this drug for 2 more consecutive months then done .
I was misdiagnosed , i wasn't showing any signs of of CMV, so for roughly 12 days it just festered to the point i was in 24/7 abdominal pain which they say was from my high intake of magnesium in different foods i was eating to raise my magnesium . Few more days past they told me to go to ER then they transfered me to the transplant unit with a CMV load of 360,000 started on valganciclovir and viral load went down to 652 by end of august . Around the start of september my viral load started to rise 652 to 1590 to 10000 to 21000 at end of september was re-admitted my CMV mutated and a resistant strain of CMV took hold and valganciclovir was no longer working CMV climbed to 120000 hospitalized for about 9 days and sent home on new meds after i stablelized . So here we are jan 16th i have been taking a new drug call prevymis since october , 7,300 canadian a month luckily health plan covers it. Last weeks CMV count was 149 when i have 2 results back of 0 viral load i will need to take this drug for 2 more consecutive months then done .
Damn! I liked it because you had the courage to talk about it but CMV is almost a given with transplants. I am so sorry you went through this. Resistance is building in everything. My heart and best wishes go out to you, please be well.
I received my kidney transplant at 1 pm june 22nd of this year , It's been almost 5 months now , after waiting a lil over 7 years for the damn thing. the kidney itself has worked superb, if it wasnt for a CMV infection i got 7 weeks post transplant and im still fighting 17 weeks later, it has only slowed me down a week or 2 .Smoking weed and edibles have been some of my best friends during this 7 year journey and they have helped tremendously and still do . I'm starting back to work in a few weeks end of november or beginning of december

If anyone here has family or friends currently waiting for a kidney transplant or starting dialysis or are new to dialysis and have questions i can certainly give u information that i may have and answer any questions i can
You should've planted your kidney in its final pot. Transplanting my shock the body for few days.

Jokes aside, I recommend you eating healthy. Eat like a gentle cave-man. Fresh plants, healthy fats, eggs, meat. Don't eat anything that you couldn't find yourself if you were left alone in a jungle. That might sound stupid but if you are eating healthy then your gut biome is healthy, if your gut biome is healthy you just don't get sick. You just don't. Think of it like growing organic: When the plant lives in a enviroment that it evolved to live in, it stays healthy and stress free. You can throw mites, slugs, grenades on your plant none of them gonna harm the plant. Because thats just not how ecosystem works. Healthy is kept alive no matter what to keep it fucking and making more healthy species. Life loves life and kills who doesn't deserve it. Since it didn't kill you, that means you got stronger from it. Good job. I wish you quick recorvery.
You should've planted your kidney in its final pot. Transplanting my shock the body for few days.

Jokes aside, I recommend you eating healthy. Eat like a gentle cave-man. Fresh plants, healthy fats, eggs, meat. Don't eat anything that you couldn't find yourself if you were left alone in a jungle. That might sound stupid but if you are eating healthy then your gut biome is healthy, if your gut biome is healthy you just don't get sick. You just don't. Think of it like growing organic: When the plant lives in a enviroment that it evolved to live in, it stays healthy and stress free. You can throw mites, slugs, grenades on your plant none of them gonna harm the plant. Because thats just not how ecosystem works. Healthy is kept alive no matter what to keep it fucking and making more healthy species. Life loves life and kills who doesn't deserve it. Since it didn't kill you, that means you got stronger from it. Good job. I wish you quick recorvery.
Anti-rejection drugs change all that including your intestinal flora. That is theoretically true when the body is in homeostasis but even then having taken antibiotics alters the flora permanently unless re-cultured and there are arguments about that and not enough research.

Eating a healthy diet is good for us. But there are arguments about what is a healthy diet. When you consider there has been a paucity of actual scientific research on nutrition since it would bought out by ADM, Con Agra and the like.

I eat a somewhat similar diet after coming from a vegetarian diet for years. So I'm not against what you are saying, merely pointing out some other points to keep in mind.

Happy Growing.
Anti-rejection drugs change all that including your intestinal flora. That is theoretically true when the body is in homeostasis but even then having taken antibiotics alters the flora permanently unless re-cultured and there are arguments about that and not enough research.

Eating a healthy diet is good for us. But there are arguments about what is a healthy diet. When you consider there has been a paucity of actual scientific research on nutrition since it would bought out by ADM, Con Agra and the like.

I eat a somewhat similar diet after coming from a vegetarian diet for years. So I'm not against what you are saying, merely pointing out some other points to keep in mind.

Happy Growing.
I am well aware about the stuff you are saying but my post was like a be happy card more than being medical help. Good points tho.
Damn! I liked it because you had the courage to talk about it but CMV is almost a given with transplants. I am so sorry you went through this. Resistance is building in everything. My heart and best wishes go out to you, please be well.
Year ago every morning i woke up and said out loud this is the day that i will be getting a kidney. 1 day at a time my wife would always say . Even after the transplant its still 1 day at a time , be healthy physically and mentally and all is well .

Thank you for the Kind wishes
Year ago every morning i woke up and said out loud this is the day that i will be getting a kidney. 1 day at a time my wife would always say . Even after the transplant its still 1 day at a time , be healthy physically and mentally and all is well .

Thank you for the Kind wishes
I think that's the biggest lesson to learn, life is always 1 day at a time :) I'm glad you are doing better.