* Post how much do you smoke? per day, per week, per month whatever


Well-Known Member
Damn lot of ganj bein burned. An eighth oz lasts me like 10 days unless I'm fishing :) and its good shit from the dispensary


Well-Known Member
probly about 2 ounces a week (trying to cut back a bit)
yeah me too. i go threw 2 oz but thats me and a buddy here and there. always a buddy around. lol smoking. but i pretty much smoke every hr or 2 a 1/2 joint or a few bong rips.


Well-Known Member
about 1/4 Oz a week, but it's really shitty weed. Hope to use less once I get my grow done!


Well-Known Member
I smoke like a 1/3 of a gram about every hour, 16 hours a day. Sometimes I smoke more and stay up later.

My avatar us a typical daily dose.


how do some of yall smoke so much daayum. me on and average day bymyself id say .6 of a gram or so
i just smoke fat bowls all day long. i pack a huge bowl before class, before the shower, before work, before dinner, all the time. being high is just infinitely better than not high so smoke all day, also heres my 2 week plants, and little 1 week plants in the background.