Post-Harvest with MITES!


Active Member
I heard the mites don't like the dead plant matter so they will migrate away trying to find a new source of food. I was thinking upon hanging my buds I will put something real sticky at the ends of the thread that is hanging the buds so that they wouldn't be able to crawl outta the room. But at the same time I would think some mites could easily just fall off and start their migration from the floor. I was thinking to cover the ground with something sticky like soda since I'll be drying in a bathtub.

THEN! After the buds have completely dried I was thinking of using compressed air to blast the buds at a safe distance in attempt to blow the remaining mites off...

Good idea? Yes? No? Comment please!!!

I am ~1 week from harvest with a nasty infestation!!!!


Active Member
What's the safest technique in ridding my buds from mites upon drying? I know that my buds will crackle n pop if I smoke em if I don't do anything about it... I heard of water blasting but I've had a bad mold experience before so I'm staying away from water after harvest.


Active Member
I would say just shake them out a bit everyonce in a while since you'll be drying over a tub. As for air blowing thing, I wouldn't really want to do that, I suppose it would work, but I'm pretyy sure you'd lose lots of resin and trichs from it.
Using some organice pesticide on the bottom of the tub, might kill them when they fall as well, not sure but it might be worht a try.


Active Member
I wanna stay away from pesticides when I dry because I don't want the fumes to get on my buds... I was just gunna dose the bottom with soda so it will be too sticky for any small insect to move around... then just rinse off the tub afterwards.

Edit** Even if it's organic, I don't wanna risk it.. and plus... soda be cheaper.


Active Member
probably get a 2 liter and pour an extra cup or two of sugar in there lol.. i wonder how that would taste.... as if 39grams per serving isn't enough


Active Member
dude I think they leave the dank so no need to do anything?
True, but hes trying to prevent them from falling off after they leave and going loose into his house. By doing it this way, their little feet get stuck to the sticky soda/sugar mix, which in turn gives them diabetes and kills them from high blood sugar.
Mites entire life is about a week.. if your are not growing after the grow right away, then a couple of days the mites will be dead. Mites got nothing to lay the eggs on when the plant is dead. You'll be fine bro.. not as big a deal as your making it.. I'd say if you are paranoid at all.. wait two weeks to start another grow and throw a pyrethium bomb in for good measure... you're alright though bro.. the mites ain't dumb.. they'll bounce and starve.