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New Member
I wonder how much stolen weed they've grinded in my Mendo? I bought another space case as replacement. We stayed there a few weeks ago and smoked down!! I only took a plastic grinder from attitude with us though. lmao. I'm sure somewhere I'll read Willie say he got my grinder from casino while he was there. lmao.

The tribal police are a joke most times not , I have seen beer cans thrown at them on the Rez and not just a few cans , like a trash cans worth haha it was a memory to hold let me say .. They sped away as the party was wild and there was to many wild ones by the fires side , that damn tear went on for 3 days and 4 nights before the last die hard drinkers passed out ... Oh the weed was always sufficient and of kind quality on the rez and many smoked it regardless of tribal law , shit those who didnt begged for it for its hang over cures lol , I bet those pigs used yours for just that hahah


Well-Known Member
It would be cool to sit down with a 30 pack and throw them 1 at a time. It's worked out for the best though cuz I stay totally focused on taking money from them every single time I'm there.
Before I would only go there to relax and drink, - loose money. I'm taking it all back now and getting high as fuck on their land. If it wasn't for belle I'd be banging their women one at a time too.
(Belle better hope they don't get to my plastic grinder, or it's on!!:hump:. j/k, no I'm not. sure I am.)


Well-Known Member
The tribal police are a joke most times not , I have seen beer cans thrown at them on the Rez and not just a few cans , like a trash cans worth haha it was a memory to hold let me say .. They sped away as the party was wild and there was to many wild ones by the fires side , that damn tear went on for 3 days and 4 nights before the last die hard drinkers passed out ... Oh the weed was always sufficient and of kind quality on the rez and many smoked it regardless of tribal law , shit those who didnt begged for it for its hang over cures lol , I bet those pigs used yours for just that hahah
Interesting tribe you got there! Not alln nations are fucked up like that thankgoodness!


New Member
Interesting tribe you got there! Not all First Nations are fucked up like that thankgoodness!

I take it you may never have never stepped foot on a Reservation after hours lol . This took place on Walpole Island lol and it is a place most will never understand due to assimilation , understand that Indians use humor in more ways than one , sad to say Alcohol has been our worst Enemy all along ...

I m saddend to say that not one of our Nations are free from this deadly disease that we know as Alcoholism :(

Ps. I fixed your quote


Active Member
my best (coolest) photos so far... i suppose im still a bit of a rookie but my patients are pretty happy :)






Well-Known Member
DSCN0718.JPG GBK .. is gonna need a polar bear proof fence around those plants.bears could get them confused for home. causes major damage.