

Active Member
i just saw a possum by my garden and have had the same 3 plants dug up the last 2 nights. Is there any way i can keep them out without putting up a fence?


Active Member
its the only thing i have seen out there and we dont have wild pigs in missouri that i know of! what ever it is only goes after the small ones. So far, knock on wood, they havent touched my bigger one. i read soap or human hair will deter them, anyone know if its true


Well-Known Member
they are really cute. they are rather soft as well. :bigjoint:
Opossum pelts will bring more than raccoon pelts these days.

Appledude, maybe mix some powdered habanero with water and spray it on your lower branches, stalk, and ground? Start putting out something better for them to eat? Sit up and wait for them to come and then bat/gun/net?


Active Member
thanks guys. I will try it also going to try fencing it in a lil see if that helps as well as a pepper spray. the pepper spray wont hurt the plants will it?


Well-Known Member
Baby possums are cute ii used to have one as a pet,ii found it in imy backyard and fed it...generation of them lived under my house nice lil critters......


Well-Known Member
Human hair works, but you have to replace it every so often. Shaved up bars of soap, mothballs, torn up dirty socks also work, but also have to be replaced. You can try the fencing, but i think that primarily works with bigger animals; possums are climbing masters, and i think they would go right over it without a pause. Some sort of light weight webbing or netting that wouldn't support their weight while climbing might be better. Who knows? Just my 2 cents. Good luck !:peace:


Well-Known Member
Man... i Live in Louisiana, and we have possums, but the real threat, and i can attest cause i've shot 3 so far this year, ARMADILLOS, and you're bound to have them, Missouri isn't that far away. If it's not the possum i mean, because we have possums and they dont seem to trouble my garden, but the armadillos will ravage the soil near the roots in search of little bugs, and they leave (not always, but most often) golfball to baseball size holes.... that and squirrels will search for nuts they've burried previously (even if they haven't burried, they still go looking). goodluck getting rid of the pests, try some Cayenne pepper mixed with mint and moth balls also work well. but a .22 slug took car of the problem for me. and no i dont feel bad because armadillos have no natural enemies.


Active Member
i have been pissing near them for the last 4 days, every time i have to piss i go and piss by my garden! I just hung up a couple of bars of ivory soap too, maybe they will think i am close, and maybe they wont care lol! of the 5 i had outside only the bigger one is still alive. so something has uprooted 4 but hasnt ate any of them just killing the roots by not being in soil, damn animals i hate them.....real bad! really taking a toll on my garden