Possibly magnesium deficiency ? Need opinions please help


Well-Known Member
I've got a couple plants growin in foxfarms ocean forest and I noticed my leafs on my white russian looking a little odd and was told it's a magnesium deficiency I just wanted some more opinions on her here's a picture I'm using 4th ballasts that each hold two t8 fluorescent tubes all the tubes are above 5000k - 6500k no nutrients yet but I do have the complete line of ff nutrients all the plants are exactly 2 weeks old


Well-Known Member
the soil has enough nutrients in it already. looks like you are over watering it.

Let the soil dry out, and then feed it 2 TSP/gallon of grow big

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
In addition to possibly overwatering as Kudaross mentioned, you may have either a Ph problem or N deficiency. Check the Ph of your soil first. It's not Magnesium deficiency, though.


Well-Known Member
Thanks that's exactly what my soil is at according to a ferry morse probe meter and I also used a ph tester where u put the soil in a tube fill it up with water and drop a pill in it are those accurate enough I couldn't find an digital ph tester for under 80 and I don't have the money currently

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Digital testers aren't necessarily more accurate than the needle ones, they just show the readout on an LCD screen. The best soil Ph test probes come with a calibration solution to make sure it is always correct. I always reccomend getting a regular probe, even just a needle-type, and a capsule-type test kit to verify the probe's readings from time to time. This is in addition to a liquid Ph test kit. Since you already have a probe tester, the other two can be purchased for about 10$.

If your Ph is correct then you need more Nitrogen. Some good sources include high-N Guano, Fish Emulsion and Blood Meal.


Well-Known Member
Heres a picture update I think they look alot better I took out my CFL bulbs and kept all four 2 tube ballast and it dropped my temp down to 75 and now I have 8 four foot tubes about two inches from the tops of my plants and they grew an inch or so over night so I don't think they have been stunted but I'm going to water with the 2 tsp of grow big when soil is dry Which should be in about 5 days temps at 75 humidity around 60 varies up or down a lil but not significantly and I'm looking into a cheap CO2 yeast and sugar system and I noticed my kush plant i got from a friend is starting to pop pistils but it's a month old and was stunted for about 2 weeks how do u think she will do or what I will get has anyone else had this happen or close to this ? here's the pics though I've been rambling on too much thanks



Well-Known Member
I'm not sure about this but i made five of the co2 bottles with yeast and now it's been 2 days and my plants have completely turned around they were all turning discounted like my first picture and ever since I introduced the co2 they are besting it and have no discoloration except on the fan leafs that were already discolored which have turned almost a purple color now check em out
yo heres what i believe to be a magnesium def. is
DSCF0313.JPG Notice the main vein in each leaf remains green while the rest yellows starting in the middle then going to the tips... come by my journal to check out more pics..
Links in my signature


Well-Known Member
She is looking a lot better. Once the leaves start wilting again, that is the perfect time to water, because she's telling you she needs water. That way at least the soil can get oxygenated again. To answer your question, she was stunted for a little bit like you said, but she will recover fully, just let her veg longer to get to the right size you want.


Well-Known Member
Kudaross what do mean exactly by wilting I've several differen thoughts on what wilting means but I think I got it messed up do u have any pictures or maybe a detailed description thanks for the help

And mothers are u talkin about plant or the picture toast posted confused?


Well-Known Member
Kudaross what do mean exactly by wilting I've several differen thoughts on what wilting means but I think I got it messed up do u have any pictures or maybe a detailed description thanks for the help
If your soil is completely dry and the plant is wilting, that means it needs water. Trust me, you'll know what I'm talking about when you see it. After you water it, the leaves will perk up within the hour. Use this method in the future, as this will prevent you from over watering.


Well-Known Member
Thanks alot I usually just water on Tuesday every week seems to take about a week exact for my soil to dry but now u mention this I'm gonna do it when she looks wilted and I'll snap a pic and post it to see if what I think is wilted matches up with what u know


Well-Known Member
Thanks alot I usually just water on Tuesday every week seems to take about a week exact for my soil to dry but now u mention this I'm gonna do it when she looks wilted and I'll snap a pic and post it to see if what I think is wilted matches up with what u know
Sounds good. Good luck man :)