Possibly a stupid question, but.. Why do people do autoflowers?

They are extremely fast to the finish, and you can fully mature in under 18 inches of space (even less).

Auto flowering strains are a great place to start in my opinion. Good quality bud, unfortunately the yield lacks because they are so small...


Active Member
Auto flowering strains pass directly from the seedling to the flowering stage, thus altogether doing away with the vegetative growth stage. Basically, when the plant is grown it sprouts, grows a set of leaves, then immediately and automatically begins flowering. What this means is that it is the quickest, most compact, and most easily concealed plant. These plants do not need a change in light cycle to induce flowering, they will just start flowering automatically anywhere between 2 and 3 weeks into their life and will then be all finished within another 5 or 8 weeks.


Well-Known Member
If space is an issue they typically dont get very tall or bushy.....
Although..... I have an autoflower that is in my veg cab right now that is just starting to flower at about 3' tall. It was under 24 hrs light until about a week ago when I switched to 18 hrs light and now it is starting to flower. It is a cross though so it should hopefully be a great harvest. I have read that cannabis ruderalis (which is where the autoflower characteristic comes from) is like ditch weed that only gives you a headache, but crosses of cannabis ruderalis with sativa's and indica's can be a great combination with autoflower characteristics. This is my first one so I have no experience with the harvest but I am hopefull.