Possibly a new way to grow.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to splice a power cord and attach each end to one side of my plant, then plug in the cord. I'll have some crazy ass Sativa boy howdy.... Talk about energizing...
It Fucking amazes me that sooo many people actually care about how dumb the guy that started this actually is! LOL for Real. I was like 10th or 16th person to post and told him to go ahead. Why the hell not? Its dumb yeah! But if he somehow gets it to work, Hes gonna make the cover of High Times and everyone is gonna be sucking his cock and asking him how it was done! Whole point: its dumb and not going to work. But I think the reception this has gotten is fascinating! One guy was talking about "Strangers" asking questions. Apparently he doesn't know that everyone can see that he joined this site at the end of last year!!! Whose a stranger?? Yeah I am too but don't pretend to know all kinds of shit! Questions don't get answered if they don't get asked. And no not on the rag, just sayin. This is great! I mean can you seriously find something this fucking hilarious on TV? Probably not. You Fucking Assholes!!! Just kidding,LOL! Peace!


Well-Known Member
while on this crazy topic how about this idea. you know how water on your leaves works like a magnifying glass which can in turn burn your leaves. well, what if you had a special hood where the glass was two pieces of glass with water between them. that way the light would magnify through the water before hitting the plants, putting out more "energy" i guess you could say.