Possible zinc issue


Active Member
I took pictures but they didn't really show it and since it's easy to describe I'll just do that. All the new growth on my biggest female has turned VERY GREEN ... like neon green almost, and it seems to have slowed growing significantly this last week. She doesn't seem to be in any danger of dying on me or anything, I'm just now starting to get some pretty flowers on her though and this slow down in growth and weird leaf color has me thinking her yield might be affected.
Anyhow, from what I do know it looks a bit like a zinc problem, the only thing there is the nutes and food I've given both contain zinc, and my meter shows fertility and ph both to be about dead on. Is there something else that could cause this I may not be aware of?
I had considered moving her to a slightly larger pot (I only have one size larger than what she's in...) but I'm afraid of possible side effects of transplanting a flowering plant... not a good time to suffer stress.
Anyhow just looking for more experienced input here, since the only other sign of problem she's showing right now is one partially burnt leaf from me waiting too long to adjust a light she seems pretty healthy. That weird super bright green in the new growth is just freakin me out.


Active Member
anyone? even if it's just to confirm my own suspicion I would like someone to chime in here...