Possible transplant problems...


Well-Known Member
HI everyone, it's been a long time.

I am trying to start a new indoor grow, a closet grow in a large building in a major metropolitan city.

With this grow I had to transplant the smaller of the two plants in the picture twice already. (because of party cup issues and some mis-timing with respect to arrival of soil etc). The very small one in the foreground went horribly with the the second transplant, dirt falling out from the bottom and the root being exposed for about a minute until I could get it into the new pot which it sits in now. The one in the background right side fared slightly better during xplant but seems to be frozen in time also although the dirt held together somewhat better during xplant.

The bigger two of the four, to the left, are mystery seeds and could turn out to be male but they have only been transplanted once and are obviously puttering along. All four sprouted on Monday the 14th of Dec in Miracle Grow Seed Starter. The smaller two of the four, to the right, are feminized AK 48.

It has been warm here and my building still sends the heat up. So with open windows and closet, fan etc., my temps are still about 80-86F. I can get them down to 77 or so if it gets below 50 degrees but that has not happened too often since germination.

I think the smaller two are in shock from the transplant(s). They seem to have frozen stiff since Monday Dec 21st after transplant and have not grown since. I gave them a good water on all 4 pots they are sitting in now on Monday the 21st of Dec, drained the excess and left them alone. I did this right after the second transplant took place.

I finally got some Fox Farms Ocean Forest in and topped the pots with that soil yesterday. The pots were about 5/6 full before the arrival of the FFOF so 1/6 of the soil is the Fox Farms and is on top. I gave them about a quarter of a cup of water yesterday, just to get the tops wet and get that FFOF soil working in a little bit and there was no runoff. The pots are about 8" deep.

The small ones to the right look ok and green etc. but they seem like they are going to give up on life if they don't grow soon. The bigger ones to the right I think are right at or close to where they should be on day 14.

The disaster would be that the AK females don't make it and the mystery seeds turn out to be male so i am desperate to try to get the runts to survive!

WWYD here? Just wait em out? Any suggestions?Frozen Plants.jpg


Well-Known Member
You should get some reflectors,and fix your enviroment.Cannabis requires a fair amount of light to grow properly and thats not enough for 1 plant let alone 4.