Possible too convert older hyperfan with pin connector to V2 version with RJ connector


Well-Known Member
As title of the post sais I would like too convert my older hyperfans too be able too use the newer hyperfan controller.

At the moment I am running a silenced 8 inch exhaust and a regular 6inch intake both being controlled by hyperfans older style controller which is pretty limited in its ability so I'm hoping it's possible too convert the older plugs too the new RJ style cables.. I'm Handy enough but not that well versed in electronics but if it can be done ill be having a go as the newer controller hyperfan offers much more control

Also I have 3 x old silenced 10inch hyperfans which I am happy too sacrifice one in order too see if it's possible I just wanted too see if anyone has done it or not.

Will attach some pictures of current setup and what I'm trying to achieve. Many thanks.
Just a thought on the project, I’d say that the most important thing to check between the old and new cables, is how many wires are there and which of them carry a signal. If you have a multimeter, you should be able to check the voltage on the rj11 wires. From there it’s a matching game between the old connector and the new.
If the amount of wires match between the two connectors, you could splice the old cable, get a crimping tool, some rj11 ends and see if you can match them accordingly.
@thenugget I don't suppose during your investigations you had a look inside the controller connector did you ?

I need to work out what the pins are on the v1 style speed connector, so thought it would be worth asking just in case you did, or took any photos or anything like that.
