Possible to root a cutting directly into soil?


Well-Known Member

I have at least one female plant (according to the pre-flowers, anyway) and it's big enough to take some cuttings from, now.

Would it be possible for me to take some of the lower branches off as cuttings and dip them in rooting gel and then directly into a small seedling pot? Maybe I could put a big beer glass or something over the top of it and then under a veg light….possible?

If so, then can anyone give me the best way to go about it? or link me to a thread that discusses this topic?



Well-Known Member
Simple answer: YES!

Clip, dip and put in soil. Cut the top off of a soda/water bottle to use as a humidity dome.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
A friend took a broken branch stuck it in soil and it grew
well. No gel just good soil and water.
Can't say this will work for you though!


Well-Known Member
Keep it under another plant (keep it shaded) for a week and then slowly move it out to brighter light.


Well-Known Member
I think I had about a 50% success rate in straight soil with crappy soil and 8+PH water. So if you've got decent soil and PH'd water you should be able to do better than 50% success. I'd take some extra cuts just in case though


Active Member

I have at least one female plant (according to the pre-flowers, anyway) and it's big enough to take some cuttings from, now.

Would it be possible for me to take some of the lower branches off as cuttings and dip them in rooting gel and then directly into a small seedling pot? Maybe I could put a big beer glass or something over the top of it and then under a veg light….possible?

If so, then can anyone give me the best way to go about it? or link me to a thread that discusses this topic?

Yeah that will work fine. I used to clone into straight soil had about 80-90% success rate... i didn't/don't use humidity domes just risking mold imo but it all depends on your room its temps and humidity levels. I now use peat pucks for cloning almost 100% success rate. :D