possible to reduce growth time?


Cool beans guys thanks alot for the info, how much would the average bloom booster cost like 20 bucks? Yesterday i was checkin her out and i noticed a couple of black areas on a set of her first leafs.. ill post some pics when i get home to show what im talking about but there where also little brown spots on some aswell i checked for bugs ontop and under leafs but i didnt see any.
N im thinking of doing my first seed order, n im gunna go with some autos(from attitude freedom of seeds) is there any low scent strains that anyone would suggest?


Well-Known Member
Coco makes plants grow faster than soil.

they wont hermie if they are stable regular seeds
You are wrong. Regular seeds can produce plants with male flowers if they are stressed.
Go have mommy make you a snack and then take a nap.


New Member
i would like a snack. maybe ill just have your mom or sister make me one, and then ill have them feed me desert as well. maybe two deserts.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Nirvanas Northern Lights is a low odor for the most part...I am pretty there are auto versions of it also. Not sure odor wise how the autos are though. You could probably just run the regular NL 12/12 from seed and comparable results to the autos....


Well-Known Member
they wont hermie if they are stable regular seeds
Still not sure what everybody is calling a "hermie", in fact I'm kind of worn out on the topic. Regular seed plants can and will throw off some pods.

Anyway I started growing bag seed outdoors in the late 70's and and it was real common to find a few male pods on a plant or two. Were they stressed? You betcha. They were in full sun and often got hotter than the gate hinges of hell, and dry.

Usually I could spot the buggers and pull them off, sometimes I'd just find a few seeds and assumed I'd missed some pods, or the pollen blew in from elsewhere.

To me getting a few pods was just part of the process, never had so many they seeded up the buds too bad.

I've often wondered if all the genetic manipulation done has changed the overall vigor of the plant. Wonder if indoor weed grows are producing sissified coddled plants that need to be babied and nurtured with precise temps and humidities and spoon fed $30 / quart dilute nutrients. Still just a tough ol' weed to me.


New Member
okay, how about hermans are synthetic, created hermies (feminized, terminator seeds), and hermies are the real thing?


Well-Known Member
okay, how about hermans are synthetic,created hermies (feminized, terminator seeds), and hermies are the real thing?
There is no such thing as a synthetic hermaphrodite. Why do you make stuff up and claim it is true? There is no such thing as terminator cannabis seeds.

You posted that you think hermaphrodites were created by humans.
You should not give anyone advice about anything.