Possible to put my pants on 15 hrs light 9 dark? Please reply


23062011508.jpg23062011510.jpg23062011507.jpg23062011511.jpg23062011512.jpg23062011509.jpg 2 orange bud, 1 lemon haze in double pc grow box the first pic is of a orange bud palnt bin in veg for 5 weeks i toped it yesterday it looks a bit male coz its not as bushy as the other 1. the second pic is of the other orange bud plant sprouted few days after the first but is the stronger of the 2 and i think is female becoz of how bushy it is, i also topped this 1 last nite and took the first node growths off (was this the right thing to do?). and pic's 4 and 5 are of the (i think its lemon haze?) plant i got off sum1 the other day wich has started flowering early? becoz the previus owner didnt look after her
. so i was just wondering to keep the lemon in flower cud i do th lights on like 15 light 9 dark because i dont really wanna put the oranges to flower yet? any help would be much appreciated.


i done it again because no 1 looked at the first 1, i dont know how to do it. just a pic off da web danny, nice tho. so can any1 tell me the best thing to do?


haha no way, ive only just realised i done that. but yea i already no that i can put dem on watever i want, i wanted to no if i could keep the lemon at the start of flowering coz it was already started when i got it and giv the orange buds more time to veg. but wow did i get some advice! nice one


why do i see loads of people giving advice on 1 post and the only advice i get is about the title of the thred?


Active Member
Your growth will slow down tremendously and in such cases in growing a more pure indica it may start to flower. Pre-flowers should start to form on most strains if at least a month or older.

Where I live the second week of July there is 15 hours of daylight, plants outside start to flower or show their flowers at this time.

And yeah my PANTS are On for 15 hours everyday, unless I'm at the "Penthouse, Penthouse"

Gary Busey

New Member
I cannot stress enough how important it is to wear pants in public. Just a public safety announcement from Busey.

You need at least 12 hours of darkness for plants to flower. 15 hours of light will not allow that. I'd just keep them all under at least 16 hours of light until they're the size you need them to be for flowering, and that would depend on the space you have to grow in, and how big your particular strain gets. Some double and triple in size in flower.

I do 24/0 for veg.

why do i see loads of people giving advice on 1 post and the only advice i get is about the title of the thred?


so what would happen to the lemon haze (the small plant) if i leave it on 16?, If it has to happen ill fuk her off she's flowerd well to early if i had of got her sooner she could have stayed in veg with the orange buds, when i got her she was in a tall thin milkshake cup clear so you could see all the roots, Left in a shed not even close to the 1 window she's a soldier to survive all that so i dont want to get rid of her if it can be helped


Active Member
The light cycle needs to be consistent, otherwise the plant will grow very slowly, and won't fill out, due to it trying to flower and veg and flower again. You'll just get ugly fluffy buds. Stick to the 12/12 for flower. It's best to stick to what's in nature, cause nature's been doin' it a long time.

edit: Going back and reading your first post, I would maybe try to re-veg the lemon haze and let all your plants veg for a while longer. If you just topped them, they'll need a bit of time to recuperate. Let them veg for a while longer and then flower them all at the same time. That way you don't need to separate grow rooms.


these pics were from about a week ago the lemon seems to have progressed a little i think its too late to veg again because the buds have already formed? , i will post more pics today when i take some.
The light cycle needs to be consistent, otherwise the plant will grow very slowly, and won't fill out, due to it trying to flower and veg and flower again. You'll just get ugly fluffy buds. Stick to the 12/12 for flower. It's best to stick to what's in nature, cause nature's been doin' it a long time.

edit: Going back and reading your first post, I would maybe try to re-veg the lemon haze and let all your plants veg for a while longer. If you just topped them, they'll need a bit of time to recuperate. Let them veg for a while longer and then flower them all at the same time. That way you don't need to separate grow rooms.