possible to hide i.p. address?


Well-Known Member
You can surf the net through a proxy. What you do is go to a proxy site, put the web address of the site you want to visit into the input field and go. Here is a huge list of proxy sites (the list is on the right side of the page)...

Proxy.org - The Proxy Authority

...but know this: your original IP will still be accessible from the admin control panel of rollitup. Every IP that has been used by your account will be available.


Active Member
If you have a router you can set up a static ip address for PC anyways. I know nothing about macs sorry but I'd assume you can do the same.


Well-Known Member
Whoo...go download a program called foxyproxy if you use firefox and if you can get your dickbeaters on a high level anonymous proxy your ip can still be traced but your chances of it are slim. another option is the one i use and its called Tor. right now i dont have it on but the odds of you getting my real ip address when it is, is like trying to find a needle in the ocean...damn near frickin ass impossible...rawr.

but uh...unless your growing cyberpot whats this have to do with growing ganj?


Active Member
We should all be pretty safe in here yeah? Where im growing i dont have net so they cant really tace me. :P


Active Member
OperaTor - Opera + Tor. Surf anonymously

OperaTor is a portable software bundle which allows you to browse the web anonymously. It combines the power of the Opera Browser, Tor and Polipo.
With OperaTor no data will be stored at the computer you plugged your portable memory into.

hxxp://archetwist.com/en/opera/operator, hxxp://www.opera.com/, hxxp://www.torproject.org/, hxxp://www.pps.jussieu.fr/~jch/software/polipo/
OperaTor weights 7 MB and is Windows only.


The only protocols which OperaTor anonymizes are HTTP and HTTPS, thus if you want to stay anonymous you should avoid using other Opera features (e.g. Java, JavaScript, Bittorrent, integrated e-mail and IRC clients).

So I'm totally anonymous if I use Tor?

If your application runs in a virtual machine, it can access local information because it runs locally. Java, Javascript, Macromedia Flash and Shockwave, QuickTime, RealAudio, ActiveX controls, and VBScript are all known to be able to access local information about your operating system and local network. These technologies will work over proxies and can tunnel the information back to their source. They can also open new connections outside of the proxy to communicate data.

Enjoy: p122654
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Well-Known Member
...but know this: your original IP will still be accessible from the admin control panel of rollitup. Every IP that has been used by your account will be available.
why isn't this information purged? it's not like RIU is an online store. why would they need to keep ip's? i could see keeping a day or two in case somebody really needed it...


Well-Known Member
To be honest...if they want to nab us on here...they could have already.
for real... the feds are in norcal cleaning up hundreds of thousands of plants, keeping their eyes on the cartels right across the border moving tons of jane coke and ex.. watching the ports where shipping containers of heroin are coming in every single day... gang bangers are killing eachother and cooking up crack... meth heads are blowing up entire trailor parks and hotels... bank robberies and id theft are skyrocketing due to a sluggish economy

they dont give two shits about your 10 plants growing under a desklamp

it would cost them more money to raid you than you could make growing pot for ten years..

Chilllllax brah! :peace::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
for real... the feds are in norcal cleaning up hundreds of thousands of plants, keeping their eyes on the cartels right across the border moving tons of jane coke and ex.. watching the ports where shipping containers of heroin are coming in every single day... gang bangers are killing eachother and cooking up crack... meth heads are blowing up entire trailor parks and hotels... bank robberies and id theft are skyrocketing due to a sluggish economy

they dont give two shits about your 10 plants growing under a desklamp

it would cost them more money to raid you than you could make growing pot for ten years..

Chilllllax brah! :peace::blsmoke:

HA HA HA HA fucking HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Almost everyone with high speed has a static IP. The problem is not what you post here, honestly. If the po po want to get you, the FIRST thing they're gonna do is snag your machine.


Well-Known Member
bra you safe dey servers is in Amsterdam you good jump out boys aint gon be lookin to find ya crib on here. Dey got bigger fish to fry. You aint givin out ya home address much less ya city so dont worry.
Especially feds bra come on dey aint gon take 10 lil plants to their boss and say here you go.


Well-Known Member
go to thepiratebay.org and type in ip privacy. It's free and I use it with great success. My listed ip address is now routed to a private secure server in India. So my address says india. You can also set it to randomly cycle ip addresses. I also you peer guardian wich can be found on that website too. I blocks schools, research groups, government and law enforcement from seeing what you download from a peer 2 peer server (like morpeus or limewire) If you download music, movies or anything I'd suggest that one as well. I also have File Barricader 2004 from that website. It allows you to password protect and encrypt ANY file. So When I download I'm secure and then If cops find movies on my computer they can't open them. File Barricader also allow you to delete sensitive material using a NSA overwriting software that will take 13 passes over the files and scramble the code and encrypt it before deleting. Making it impossible to recover.

That should make your shit as secure as mine. Good luck, stay safe!

-That Dude


Well-Known Member
the database stores the IPs , say everytime you post i could look your name up and see every IP you have ever posted with on here thats the way most CMS's are created the ones i use for all my websites anyways, if i need to ban someone i just hit their name and ban the IPs they use or closed/cancel their account


You can hide your ip address using this software PimpMyIP.com
You can also use Proxy server to hide your ip. This could mask your IP with a fake one. You can check whether your original ip address hided or not using this site IP-Details.com