Possible Root tip broken from being pulled out of soil


I planted a couple seeds less then 2 days ago straight into soil without germinating them first in a small pot, today one of the seeds i discovered was sitting on top of the soil with the tap root just developing, so i put that back in, i went to the other container where the other seed was and being an idiot and curious dug a little bit in with a plastic fork and discovered the seed and taproot going down into the soil. my mom decided it would be a good idea to use a plastic spoon and take the whole thing out to look at. stupid. i found a thin root growing from the tap root about an inch and a half long, what my question is, i put it back in with the root facing down but will it still survive? it seemed as if the root hadn't attached itself to the soil yet and it was pulled out clean with out any breaking or damage to the root. If any part of the root did break, is it going to survive and sprout and also if there was no damage to the root because it wasn't attached to the dirt yet, will it survive?


Well-Known Member
Well really you should always leave seedlings alone..but you aren't the first or last person to get overexcited about the whole thing and dig one up...I too am guilty of this.
But just replant it and then leave them alone...


considering that its only been 2 days since i planted them without germinating first, it is possible that the root hadn't attached to the soil in any way ya? is there a known time of when the root begins to do that? and it was only one single super skinny root that was about an inch long. i'm also surprised that they started to grow so quickly without germinating them first. 2 days seems pretty quick. but I'm new to all of this so idk what i'm talking about probably.


Well-Known Member
it is possible...but roots are more than the parts you can see...each root will have tiny hairs, and these tiny hairs are where the magic happens...they get torn off pretty easy though, because they are more a part of the soil, than they are the root anyway...it shouldn't be too big a deal...I have found that seedlings can take mishandling that plants just can't...


Well-Known Member
It does sound like a nice rate. But nothing unheard of...
In the way of plants MJ actually grows really really fast...it feels like forever, but try growing a bell pepper...


Well-Known Member
I have dropped, pulled up, moved, removed, all manner of mishaps have all been survived basically unscathed...as long as you don't rip off those first little 2 leaves most plants can survive a lot...none can survive without those first set of leaves.


Well-Known Member
Not a problem. Would be great to get a little star icon action...Meaning if someone makes a post in answer to yours or just shares some info you like or need or whatever you give them rep, using the star shaped icon right next to "Journal This Post" at the bottom of the post that was informative or what not.


Well-Known Member
The greatest grow advice I can give is have good lights, and good soil, and don't overwater, and remember that less really is more when talking about nutes...


Well-Known Member
Hmmm...it should be under whatever post you are reading at the time, in the beige bit off to the side of the main message, it looks like an old West Sheriff star...it is in between journal this post and an ! inside a triangle...

I don't think I am explaining this right...

It's there though.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. I see that you found it...Lol. A lot of newer people don't know about the functions on the forum and what not...but as you make posts and people like them your little green bars under your name will go up. I like to think that the green bar is indicative of how many people i have helped...lol.


a light greenish tinted stem? is appearing on the very seedling i was worried about out of the soil but just barely....its formed in a upside down U both ends going down into the soil...what does this mean?