possible rip! help!!!!

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
it has been raining so the slugs are comin out during nites, i wanted to know if there was an easy way to kill slugs? beer in the bottom of a 2 litre or something? my plants are on the side of a field that gets sun all day and under a tree aswell. in pots, the pots are about foot tall. where should i place the trap like in the feild more or beside the pot?

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
i had to bring them across the road in pots so mite as welll keep them in pots. less stress.. dont need anymore of that. i dug them out and reached under with my hand placed it aside, then there was still dirt in the hole so put about 3 scoops into the pot then placed the pant on packed it down put another shovel load on brought her back and watered her. should be good in a few days it is supposed to be rainy and cloudy tmrw then sun for 2 weeks.


original poster, Im dying reading this thread, can i ask how old you are? now this is a hoot. the plot just keeps thickening, some of you guys posting in this thread are hilarious.


Active Member
Less stress in a small black pot?
Hermmm ....

Would have been all the same stress if you had the hole dug and planted it all at once ...
I just think the pots leave room open for a lot of other issues ...

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
yeah im aware of that its just the root ball was half the size of the pot so i hope itl have enough room to grow the buds.. it must haha

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
IMG480.jpg haha pic of the 2 plants second one is about 4 feet to the right, a lot light greener that the one on the left. the second one is above that chunk of grey shit dont even know what that is got2 check it next time lol

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
yeah haha i know thanks for that man.. dont think this is to big of a deal tho. i used all the dirt from the original hole it was in to fill the pot. so theyr the same size if that makes a difference lol

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
and the hours here now are 11/13 so flowering will be real sooon, there was 2 pistils coming out of the new growth of the lite green plant. preflower?


Well-Known Member
Yeah. It should be flowering right about now. Hermi is always a possibility......just try to cater to her as much as possible. whats size pot is she in?

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
alright thanks man. i always thought i should let the soil ddry out because dont the roots need air and water to live. my mix is really airy tho so i guess that could be why? (sunshine mix 4) so should i just water when it is dry about 2 inches down like any other soil?