Possible research idea - Hemp/Cannabis oil in treatment of cancerous tumours.


Well-Known Member
Please feel free to move this to another forum if this is not the correct place for it.

This is just a burgeoning idea, but I wish to share it straight away, as it develops - as this community feels like a good place to develop ideas.

A strong case is starting to develop for the potential of hemp/cannabis oil in the treatment of cancer. Not the symptoms, the cancers themselves. I am in no way an expert. Only just becoming aware of the idea. Do not want to jump on anyone else’s findings, I have not discovered this cure – from my initial research it would seem if anyone has it is someone called Rick Simpson. Here are some links about it; which I am sure many of you will already be aware of, but for those who are not, please, check it out. (I have no connection to Mr Simpson)




Now, on to my potential idea for research. Pet rats, fancy rats, lab rats, whatever you want to call them make great pets. But girly ones, much like our favourite feminised plants are prone to mutations. Whilst cannabis plants are prone to hermaphroditism, thankfully this is not the common mutation in rats (or we would be overrun with them, they bread young and often if permitted). The common mutation in cute pet female rats is tumours, both benign and malignant, cancer. Here is some information on pet rats and tumours.


I got 4 female rats about 8 months ago. Out of the four one has already developed a tumour, that after a period of remission, has begun to grow again. I will be taking her to the vet tomorrow, to get opinion on whether it is benign or malignant now that it is clearly growing. Haven’t taken her yet as she is the most independent and strong willed and I feel she will hate the vets. Now is the time though. Whatever it is I will probably have it removed by the vet, but will listen to advice. Recently I had a non sensi crop of Kolossus from Sannie seeds, the rats liked the seeds very much. I have since invested in hemp seed from health food shops, and it is their favourite food by far (she had the tumour before I fed her the seeds, I had researched hemp seeds and was confident they helped prevent tumours – fully organic grow).

The research idea should now be clear. If I have one tumour prone rat out of four, that’s a pretty high percentage. Like the hermie rate with cheap seed companies – these rats (which I love) came from a chain pet store, albeit a good one. Once the girl concerned has been treated, I intend on giving her hemp oil and seeing how things go with her and any future tumours. I will also begin to give it to the others as a preventative. Of course this is not proper method, not good science – but I am not doing an experiment. I’m a believer, and feel it will really benefit them. The idea is there though – if hemp/cannabis oil does cure cancer – then this may be one way of obtaining mass quantitative data in support of the link. When considered alongside the amount of growers posting on internet forums who love pets and plants and nurturing both – if good practice method could be developed and agreed upon, standardisation could develop. Of course ethics would have to be adhered to , you can’t force any creature to get cancer, or endure it when more efficient treatments exist (not that this would stop the medical/pharmaceutical industry). The idea feels like it has potential though. Just needs tokers to get rats as pets - or are there already some on here?

All thoughts and ideas welcomed (and yeah I know they’re rats – but they are cute pets. Love them, feed them well, and they are great. Males suite Indica fans – mongy and good lap pets. Girls suite sativa fans – energetic, explorative good to observe.