Possible problems early into flower HELP


So this is techinically my second grow, first with sodium bulb. I just recently (1-2 weeks ago) turned my lighting to 12/12 and water every other day 10min before lights come on. I have been noticing one plants leaves seem asthough someone is very lightly painting yellow on some of the leaves. (Pic included) I got talkin with a buddy of mine and he says it could be a major problem. So here i am nowIMG_20101220_112958.jpgIMG_20101219_164819.jpg


Active Member
Looks like it could be some sort of nute deficiency due to lockout from your PH being off. What's your soil and water PH looking like? What nutes ya feeding it and how much?


Ph was off balenced after checked with friends ph tester, was over 7.4, with some help from science (and a little vinegar) water ph is down to 6.2-6.4. As for the soil I'm not sure of the ph lvl. As for newts, nothing currently. I was using mircal grow til I switched the lighting scheduel and that was every other water cycle then.


been a little while now, got a closer look at the, what i believe to be, original problem maker. S__2B40.jpg anybody got an easy solution and im not sure of what they are, almost seem like tiny tiny white/cream colored spiders but i dont have anything to get a better/closer view. Solution i was told by a friend was to water down a drop or two of soap n spray the leaves when the light is about to go on and it will kill the bugs but ive tried for a day or two and no luck, unfortunatly im on a limited budget till mai chicks pay out.

also if a helpful hint leads to a working solution, lemme know how to do the +rep and i will make sure to do it.