Possible plant problem?

4 plants I have 2 in 3 gallons (random seed) and 2 in 5 gallons (feminized Jack)
Mostly issue is with the plants in the 3 gallons, but have seen the issue some in the 5 gallon plants. Seems leaves easily fall off my plant even though green and healthy looking. Even some lower new growth small leaves. I'm about 2 weeks into flower, plants are struggling a little for space, and I'm only using a CFL fixture with some other small cfls in clamp reflectors. My theories for the issue could be not enough light getting to all parts of the plants, or maybe over fertilizing/mixing of fertilizers. Plants don't droop like from over watering so I don't think it's that. Due to my idea of over fertilizing past week I've cut back and just really kept with fresh water or water mixed with my bloom package and Budcharge.image.jpeg image.jpeg
when growing with cfls in my experience i found you need to keep them cfls about 2-3 inches away from the canopy at most. and i would cut my nutes to 1/4 strength. then go up from there. it is so much easier to add more nutes than it to take away an overabundance of nutes.


Well-Known Member
4 plants I have 2 in 3 gallons (random seed) and 2 in 5 gallons (feminized Jack)
Mostly issue is with the plants in the 3 gallons, but have seen the issue some in the 5 gallon plants. Seems leaves easily fall off my plant even though green and healthy looking. Even some lower new growth small leaves. I'm about 2 weeks into flower, plants are struggling a little for space, and I'm only using a CFL fixture with some other small cfls in clamp reflectors. My theories for the issue could be not enough light getting to all parts of the plants, or maybe over fertilizing/mixing of fertilizers. Plants don't droop like from over watering so I don't think it's that. Due to my idea of over fertilizing past week I've cut back and just really kept with fresh water or water mixed with my bloom package and Budcharge.View attachment 3712917 View attachment 3712918
you have alot of streatch going on there man that is one of the issues .i find humic and fluvic acids help give u more of a soilid branch same as silica but it wont help for u have u got a fan blowing direct onto the canopy or in the direction of the plants ??
I don't have a fan at all which I think has effected me in multiple ways I've noticed. Since the original posting, I trimmed away a lot of the fan leaves, and the problem mostly seemed to go away. Another post I've made led me to the conclusion that my main issue was the battle with fungus gnats. My Jacks seemed perfectly fine so I figured they must've gotten most of my nematodes. I'd noticed nematodes gathering in my drainage buckets of the jacks so I regathered them and dispersed them into the random plants. As the leaves around bud sites have started to get crystally I've noticed some of the gnats getting stuck in them and eventually dying. Gonna suck if I'm smoking fungus gnats in me tree lol