Possible Nute Burn Solutions? First Timer Please Help!

Hello everyone,
I am going to apologize in advance for such a noob question, but this is actually my third attempt at growing and I'm going to be devastated if I lose another batch of plants because of my inabilities to grow. Here's the story:

I have four plants I've been germing in jiffy cubes for the past 3 weeks. I have grown these plants from seed and have already watered once with nutes (FF Grow Big) and they seemed to be fine. Yesterday afternoon I watered the plants with ph balanced water I save in a jug in my grow room. About 6-7 hours after watering, I went back to check on my plants and noticed the leaves of all the plants turning sharply upward and curling in. The plant is yellowing and browning and looks like its burned. The only possible thing I can think of is that some of the water in the jug evaporated off in the heat and lowered the pH of the water in the process, then this low pH water burned my plants. I immediately flushed with tap water but when I got up this morning (7-8 hours after flushing), they were still very burned and they look like theyre dying.

As i said this is my third grow and I'll be really discouraged in my abilities to grow if these plants die because of something so stupid I did. The outdoor solstice is sept. 24th i think, which would mean I probably wont have time to order and germ more seeds in time for the outdoor season, which was my goal. If anyone on here can offer anything to help me save my plants I would be so grateful. Let me know what you guys think and hopefully I can save my plants. Also, do you think if I ordered seeds this week I would for sure miss the outdoor season?

Thanks for your help everybody.


Active Member
The leaves that have been burned will never recover so cut them off and every other leaf that has been burned right up to passed the middle of the leaf, and margins. watch your plants over the next few days to see if anything else is affected and if so flush with more water (alot more) im not too sure when to start feeding again after nute burn, so many have different thoughts on it but i personaly i wouldnt feed again for about two weeks.
anyway hope this helps and good luck with the grow

here are the pictures...im really starting to get discouraged. this is my third attempt at growing and im starting to think i might just have a brown thumb :(

do you think the new leaves growing in the middle of the first two plants will be healthy new growth? or have i just killed all of my plants and i should start over? the third plant looks like it has the least burn, do you think it will survive?

i flushed with water again after i took these pics, trying to put about two cups of water through all four when I flush. i'll probably wait until later tonight to flush again since its in the 90s here and upper 80% humidity...trying to watch for root rot with all this wet soil.

also, do you think ill have time to order new seeds/germ in time to get them outside for the outdoor season?

lastly, am i a disgrace to the growing community for this? im seriously getting really discouraged with growing, hate to be a puss but any encouragement you could provide would be helpful too. Thanks RIU.


Well-Known Member
You really should have them in pots by now, 3 weeks in those pellets, is way too long. If you want them to bounce back quickly, put them into bigger containers(at least party cups), with some fresh soil, and water them with PH'ed water. They won't need any fert for about 2 weeks if you go with party cups, and longer, if you use bigger pots.


Well-Known Member
what you have done is the same as feeding a one week old baby coke and chips, yes food but the wrong food. What you are seeing is the results of the feeding, they don't need much in the first 3 weeks, you OD them, flushing was the right move. I recommend you get something like Liquid Karma to feed them and only at 1/2 recomended. You can use the LC all the way through your veg. pH at this stage is very important so make sure you check before you pour. They should recover, so go easy on them little girls.


Well-Known Member
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here are the pictures...im really starting to get discouraged. this is my third attempt at growing and im starting to think i might just have a brown thumb :(

Don't be so hard on yourself just look around at everyone who has issues that's what were here for.

do you think the new leaves growing in the middle of the first two plants will be healthy new growth? or have i just killed all of my plants and i should start over? the third plant looks like it has the least burn, do you think it will survive?

They should all recover, let them dry out before doing anything else to them. 2 flushes is fine. Hands off!

i flushed with water again after i took these pics, trying to put about two cups of water through all four when I flush. i'll probably wait until later tonight to flush again since its in the 90s here and upper 80% humidity...trying to watch for root rot with all this wet soil.

Back away from the watering can dude, that's enough flushing.

also, do you think ill have time to order new seeds/germ in time to get them outside for the outdoor season?

Yes you still have time, your plants will survive, just quite messing with them. Getting more seeds is a good back up plan but I don't think you will need them.

lastly, am i a disgrace to the growing community for this? im seriously getting really discouraged with growing, hate to be a puss but any encouragement you could provide would be helpful too. Thanks RIU.
I want you to go out in the woods and find the biggest stick you can carry and bring it back to me, so I can hit you with it. Suck it up we all fuck up and still do that's how you learn by making mistakes, if you not making mistakes your just not living. Dude if growing was easy everyone would do it, it's fucking hard to grow till you get the hang of it, them you change something and shit starts to go sideways. Hang on and have a great ride there is nothing as satisfying as smoking your own shit. So no more gee I fucked up girley stuff or I'll bitch slap you. Welcome to the I Fucked Up Club were all members.


Well-Known Member
Never take your eye of the prize, this is some of my shit that will come down in 8 days. See the tip burn on them, that's good it shows that the plants are at their max nutrients uptake any more and it gets toxic, any less and they are not getting enough. (this applies to flowering) By the way these are from a grow I screwed up. You can check it out by clicking on my sig at bottom.




Well-Known Member
Pic 3 look okay What kind of dirt? You should of had in a pot of whatever last week or week & 1/2 ago! At least 1 gallon or how ever you were going to do in ffof or rock wool or what? When know whats it going in then you determine your feeding schedule!

Nice Woody! Their like me perty in the morning!


Well-Known Member
WM's got a big point, and soon a big stick. LOL

Stop loving them to death!

And get them in a bigger container.

haha thanks for the encouragement woodsman, definitely got me in a better mindset. I'm going to get some FF ocean forrest and perlite tomorrow and put them in some 2-3 gallon holes I've dug pretty deep in the woods. Two things I'm worried about though:

1. How much should I water the soil before I transplant the plants in? I've heard FFOF can be a little hot and with them already burned I don't want to do any more damage.

2. Last time I tried to grow outside I'm pretty sure a raccoon got my crop. After the second day of having the plants outside they looked like they had been clawed up and were laying on the ground beside the pots they used to be in. I was thinking about getting some pest control spray from wal-mart that's supposed to keep rabbits, deer, and other critters away. I was also planning on spraying the plants with a mixture of garlic salt and cayenne pepper. I've heard this keeps the critters away but do you think it will burn them further?

Thanks for the advice and encouragement. Proud to be a member of the i fucked up club haha.


Well-Known Member
^Water them after they're in the ground. Plant them like you normally would, then give them a good soaking, and let 'em go. Water has nothing to do with burning them, either it will, or it won't. Personally, I use FFOF for everything, including starting seeds, and never had a problem with it being too hot. Just don't give 'em any fert, and they'll be fine.