Possible N Deficiency ? 600w MH/HPS tent grow


Active Member
image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgHey guys,

Ok so I have 3 plants under way from seed, approx 6 weeks old.
They seem ok but I think the plants should be bigger !
Also main problem really is the yellowing of the bottom leaves and is slowly travelling up the plant !
The edges of my leaves are starting to turn a brown/yellow colour as if it is dying!
Also all leaves on all plants are pointing towards the light and are not flat instead all the leaves are creased ... Don't know why my experimental outdoor plant has not done this ! Also my out door plant has only small signs of n deficiency (well that's what I think it is).
Also the plant I have outdoors is much taller but no where near as bushy as those in veg under my 600w MH !

This is my first grow guys, basically when it comes to troubleshooting I have nearly no knowledge !
I'm guessing from research it's an N deficiency but then again I could be way off n it might be nute burn or some totally different problem !

Please anyone that can help would be greatly appreciated !

I'm posting off my iPhone so soon as I figure out how to load pics ill put some pics up of my plants !


Well-Known Member
that would be my guess, although your starting to get nutrient burn on the upper leaf tip margins aswell.

What are you feeding her ?


Active Member
Hey mate,
From seed they where in a medium consisting of organic potting soil(with slow release ferts),perlite and coir peat mulch !
Only watered them using tap phd down to 6.3 using sodium bi-sulfate!
Plants where growing slow so I guessed maybe the pots where small so transferred them into there finishing pots with a medium consisting of organic top soil(no slow release ferts),perlite,vermiculite and coir peat mulch ! At time of the transplant I did feed them a half strength of nutes being "Seasol Powerfeed Concentrate" which was used at half strength and I basically drenched the soil!
I shortly after realised it was too early to be feeding them so I waited a week for the soil to dry out a little and ever since only been watering with the 6.3ph water !
please let me know if you need any more info mate!
Thank you in advanced mate !


Well-Known Member
The only problem i see was the heavy dosing so early. What exactly is seasol powerfeed concentrate, a seaweed or fish fertilizer? If its fish it should be high in nitrogen, if it is seaweed it should be high in potassium. Too much or too little of these elements will disrupt your plant. I would feed at half strength a few more times then water them at full strength if you see the problem correct.

I will give you a tip also , it is ok to let your soil get ((a little dry)) in the plants vegitive state because it lets the roots stretch in search of water, which is good but *do not ever let the soil get dry when your plants are fruiting* When my plants are in vegitive state I might let the soil dry but not completely dry. When I am fruiting my plants, I will never let the soil be dry, ever !!

You should also "top your plant" which is when you cut off the top of the plant at a certain degree/angle. It will re-focus its energy to the lower branches causing them to grow and get taller. The reward for this is more branches instead of one main branch. What this also does is make your steams stronger and bigger. You really want to focus on making the plant steam very fat and strong, that way it will support flowers in the plants fruiting period.




Active Member
The only problem i see was the heavy dosing so early. What exactly is seasol powerfeed concentrate, a seaweed or fish fertilizer? If its fish it should be high in nitrogen, if it is seaweed it should be high in potassium. Too much or too little of these elements will disrupt your plant. I would feed at half strength a few more times then water them at full strength if you see the problem correct.

I will give you a tip also , it is ok to let your soil get ((a little dry)) in the plants vegitive state because it lets the roots stretch in search of water, which is good but *do not ever let the soil get dry when your plants are fruiting* When my plants are in vegitive state I might let the soil dry but not completely dry. When I am fruiting my plants, I will never let the soil be dry, ever !!

You should also "top your plant" which is when you cut off the top of the plant at a certain degree/angle. It will re-focus its energy to the lower branches causing them to grow and get taller. The reward for this is more branches instead of one main branch. What this also does is make your steams stronger and bigger. You really want to focus on making the plant steam very fat and strong, that way it will support flowers in the plants fruiting period.

Seasol Powerfeed Concentrate is a Seaweed Solution with a NPK value of 12.0/1.4/7.0.
So you think I should feed them? I have not bothered to feed them as I thought they might die from an OD of Nutes lol.
Ill feed them tonight at half strength and hopefully that fixes them up and makes them start growing like everyone elses plants !
So frustrating, espeacially when i dont know how to fix it !

Yeah the only reason I let them dry out for 3-4 days is because they are such large pots for such small plants. Also by lifting the pots up I can tell there is still alotta water/moisture in the pot as its very heavy.
My smaller pots get watered more often.
Yep ill keep in mind that when in flowering should always have moist soil and never let it dry out. Is this because they grow alot during flowering and need the upkeep ?

Yeah Ive been debating with my self whether I should top/LST/FIM my plants. They look small but very bushy, only problem is I want them really bushy but I want alotta branches as well, produce more bud sites.
What would be the best way to go about it and are my plants at the stage where it wont cause to much shock to them?
I plan on vegging these plants till there around 2-2.5ft before going into flowering. As I do know that once a plant goes into flowering it can actually double to tripple in height. With my tent being around 7ft this should work out nicely if they do double or tripple in size.
I just dont understand how after 7 weeks these plants are still only at this size and also they are under a 600w MH.

So annoying.

Thanks for all your help mate, very much appreciated !


Well-Known Member
you will be fine ! You gotta take the bad with the good ya know, thats the only way you will learn !


keeping the soil moist (not soaked) is important for two reasons, 1. as you stated they grow very fast and 2. if the soil dries up it damages the root zone effecting your overall yield.. There is a thread on this site entitled "Topping for two or four main colas" by Uncle Ben, you should check it out. Its a good read, also you should google or youtube "super cropping" which is a method growers use to create more bud sites. Hope this helps a little bit !


Well-Known Member
1 more thing, how far away is your 600 watt mh? If its too close it can cause heat stress. Google heat stress as well!!


Active Member
Awesome Ill check out the threads now mate. Yeah i guess you gotta take the good with the bad lol !

I had my light around 40cm above my plants, i just recently lifted them up to around 60cm just to make sure I wasnt burning the plants.

Thanks for all your help mate really appreciate it, will update ya with finished products


Well-Known Member
From what I see, you got a pH problem that is locking out nutrients and that is either caused by you over-applying fertilizer or else your grow medium or water pH is off. Possible that the lights are too close as well. And that soil looks very poor quality....possibly too much sand, perlite, and twigs/bark....looks more like outdoor garden mix to me. Definitely do NOT apply something high in nitrogen, your plants do not need any more fertilizer...they almost look water starved to me


Well-Known Member
nice, I wish i could show you more of mine, you would shit your pants ! But for obvious reasons i don't post pics on here much anymore.


Active Member
From what I see, you got a pH problem that is locking out nutrients and that is either caused by you over-applying fertilizer or else your grow medium or water pH is off. Possible that the lights are too close as well. And that soil looks very poor quality....possibly too much sand, perlite, and twigs/bark....looks more like outdoor garden mix to me. Definitely do NOT apply something high in nitrogen, your plants do not need any more fertilizer...they almost look water starved to me
I have not fed my plants any nutrients except for once when i transplanted into bigger pots.
I used Seasol Powerfeed Concentrate at half strength as a soil drench when I transplanted (stupid idea i know, realised after).
NPK value for the Seasol Powerfeed = 12/1.4/7
The solution was tap water and the powerfeed i then ph'd it down to 6.3 using Sodium Bi-Sulfate. The run off was ~7.0
The soil is organix by am-grow. It contains poultry manure,composted seaweed,cow manure,bio activ compost,blood&bone,nutriplus ferts,feather n fish meal,trace elements n minerals and zeolite granules.

The medium I used consists of: 50% Organix Soil Mix, 25% Vermiculite, 15% Perlite, 10% Coir Peat Mulch.

Could there just be too much nutrients in the soil or is it because i added it myself?


Well-Known Member
Yea you ended up fertilizing too soon then. I let my plants tell me when they need their first nutrient regimen (they will start slowly turning lighter green)....starting feeding too early makes the roots stop growing to seek out more food so you get a smaller root ball which in turn = smaller yield.


Active Member
Yea you ended up fertilizing too soon then. I let my plants tell me when they need their first nutrient regimen (they will start slowly turning lighter green)....starting feeding too early makes the roots stop growing to seek out more food so you get a smaller root ball which in turn = smaller yield.
Topped 2 plants yesterday and fim"d 1 !!
They are definitely looking alot healthier this morning !
Gave them all a nice watering yesterday!
i noticed some of the lower medium in the pots were dry so I'm guessing that contributed to slow growth as well !
Thanks for all your help mate and thanks to everyone else who helped out too !!
Champions '


Well-Known Member
That's whats up keep us informed as to how they do. You may try misting the leaves with water when the lights are off or when they are raised really far away....don't do it while the lights are close. But this helps to get rid of some excess nitrogen in the leaves. What is your temperature and humidity; I can't believe it's page 2 and I haven't even asked.