Possible Mag def. and not sure what these brown spots are (PICS) HELP


The two I think are Mag def. but not 100% sure. Those are on my Blackberry plants and then the brown spots are on one of my Blue cheese plants. Thoughts?
Normal, the fan leaves will dry like that and start falling off eventually after turning yellow. It will do that atleast one more time during flowering. It is consuming the Nitrogen in the fan leaves to start the flowering/budding process. Remember to feed it something different soon as the pistils start to form, if not already have. I found this stuff called Hawaiian bloom, and use that every 2 weeks all the way up until 2 weeks b4 harvest.


Here are a bunch of pictures. Hope it can help anyone diagnose my potential problem. TIA.



Well-Known Member
May be ph or deficiency, but also it looks like you may have powdery mildew, unless those are water spots

Rusty Shakelford

Well-Known Member
Well you did not mention what you are using for water, but that does look like a CalMag issue (to an extent).. If you are using Tap water, than you should not need any CalMag and that is more than likely not your problem. If you are using CLEAN water, then you have to add some CalMag. I have tried to get away without the CalMag a few times, and always seem to end up having to use it,, But then I use RO Water, and when I see issues like that, I add CalMag, and it does not persist.

Rusty Shakelford

Well-Known Member
Then you will need to incorporate some CalMag and the issue should stop. The old damage wont get any better, but it should not continue to damage more leaves..

Rusty Shakelford

Well-Known Member
My first grow was a soil grow using the Same OceanForest and the Fox Farms Trio.. I started to have a CalMag issue early on, so I went ahead and started using the CalMag, and solved the issue.

I then moved to Hydro, and NEEDED CalMag, I am now running Hempy Buckets and started using the Lucas Formula, so CalMag was not supposed to be necessary, but guess what, I am still using CalMag, cause as long as you are feeding your plants a balanced diet, CalMag Deficiency is seems to be the MOST COMMON Deficiency, so just accept it, and Stock Up on the Botanicare CalMag + or whatever CalMag Supplement you want to use.