Possible laced weed?


Active Member
OK here's the deal I have smoked or a few yrs now and never had anything like this. This bud is so fluffy and airy that a half looks like a damn quad! The guy I got it from said the person that grew it crossbred 6 indica dominate strains. It is like mid looking bud but has no seeds and if you break it up with your hands the potency drops but with a grinder it stays high. I smoked some with a former heroin addict and oxy user and they both said it has to be laced because it reminds them of opiates. I did notice something black and hard like resin from a pipe on one of the buds and I thought it could possibly have heroin on it. From my understanding tho you couldn't lace it unless you rolled it with it? I have been kinda bitchy and itchy since smoking it. It like puts you asleep/awake at the same time if that makes sense? You close eyes and can hear whats going around but it's like it takes alot of energy to talk. I live in Indiana and most weed here is 80-120/O if that tells you anything and this is 185/half. Could it be because indica is the put you down high? Please respond I'm not smoking anymore until I get some input.
I doubt it. I don't do heroin but seems like a waste of it to add it to some weed. If smoked garbage weed before same effect. Could just be mixed with resin.
I dont do heroin, but i can almost positively tell you, no one is going to lace weed with heroin in order to make it sell better. Think about it, anyone who's holding heroin, does it. And..if they smoked it, they don't smoke it for long, they bang that shit. Heroin takes larger doses to get the same high, they won't waste it in a sack of weed they are selling.

Does'nt mean someone didnt spray that shit with Raid tho, thats why i don't like buying bud to much from "dealers" you have no idea how many hands thats gone thru, how many times they added shit to it to up the weight for resale. You just don't know what all your buying.
OK just asked the guy about it. He took 5 grams of my bud and smoked it out of a bong to prove its not laced. He got shitty about it too and said never say that shit again. It is also from Colorado he said.
if you've ever smoked anything that had anything but bud it in, you'd surely notice the difference in taste, especially something as nasty tasting as heroin, that taste would jump right out at you.. other common things that someone would lace some bud with, say pcp, or dust, same thing, you'd surely taste the stuff long before it got to your lips if someone else smoked it first, and if not, you'd notice it the second it got anywhere near your nose or mouth..
so, ime unless you tasted something very odd or different about the pot, then i'd highly doubt it was laced with anything..
If you were getting high on Heroin your pupils should constrict.

So what if its Heroin? Keep your principals, never touch Heroin but smoke the bud you paid for :)

I`m assuming your stronger/know better to not go saying "dude I wan`t more of THIS bud not that one" afterwards though haha

I love laced bud conspiracies. I click on them instantly :D
OK just asked the guy about it. He took 5 grams of my bud and smoked it out of a bong to prove its not laced. He got shitty about it too and said never say that shit again. It is also from Colorado he said.

That'a boy! call his ass out lol, if he just smoked 5 grams of it through a bong....i would'nt of even paid for that shit to begin with, unless his ass is baked out of his mind...i'd be blowed after smokin 2-3 grams out of a bong
Does laced weed even exist? i mean on the internet you will probably find it but in real life practically no one has to deal with that shit. Lacing weed is a waste of drugs and money therefore never done.
This is why I only take my own home-grown herbage, the idea of smoking it with a former heroin addict seems a tad jejune. I knew of a dealer that laced his weed with meth, nasty as it comes. Best thing to do is befriend a really trust-worthy person who takes growing the green with care and organics. There's nothing like pure herbage grown as it was meant to be grown, out in the open, with only the sun and some water as a companion. As for alternative substances, to each his own I say. But meth and coke and LSD are in a way, a quick road to addiction, jail and the morgue.
This is why I only take my own home-grown herbage, the idea of smoking it with a former heroin addict seems a tad jejune. I knew of a dealer that laced his weed with meth, nasty as it comes. Best thing to do is befriend a really trust-worthy person who takes growing the green with care and organics. There's nothing like pure herbage grown as it was meant to be grown, out in the open, with only the sun and some water as a companion. As for alternative substances, to each his own I say. But meth and coke and LSD are in a way, a quick road to addiction, jail and the morgue.

Okay agreed with the rest now please explan why your paring up LSD with meth and coke while listing addiction, jail and the morgue afterwards.
This is why I only take my own home-grown herbage, the idea of smoking it with a former heroin addict seems a tad jejune. I knew of a dealer that laced his weed with meth, nasty as it comes. Best thing to do is befriend a really trust-worthy person who takes growing the green with care and organics. There's nothing like pure herbage grown as it was meant to be grown, out in the open, with only the sun and some water as a companion. As for alternative substances, to each his own I say. But meth and coke and LSD are in a way, a quick road to addiction, jail and the morgue.

Why lace weed with meth, its a waste of meth.

the only thing i've ever been to jail for or addicted to is pot, and i've done and abused every drug i've ever come across.

Not saying its for every one, but its always worked for me.
yah, i used to be hooked on heroin for a few years, but what on earth that has to do with the bud i grow now, i'll never understand that thinking..
do you think just because i once had a very serious problem with a substance, i'd go around and put that substance in my lovely bud to sell to other people so that they'd become addicted the way i was?? that simply doesn't make any sense to me what so ever..
so i've made some bad choices in my past, but i've lived and learned from them surely, doesn't mean i can't grow bud, or would ever for one second think about putting any other chemical in my bud.. ever..
Tell you one thing .... I took a bong hit of weed that was laced with embalming fluid once without knowing it .... Thought I was going to fucking die before coming down ! Scariest shit I ever did drug wise.
Tell you one thing .... I took a bong hit of weed that was laced with embalming fluid once without knowing it .... Thought I was going to fucking die before coming down ! Scariest shit I ever did drug wise.

how on earth couldn't you smell that dust a mile away in the smoke, or even taste it as you were hitting it i'll never know as it surely doesn't smell anything like bud... someone tries sneaking that smell past me, i'd have to be pretty whacked atm not to pick up on it..
how on earth couldn't you smell that dust a mile away in the smoke, or even taste it as you were hitting it i'll never know as it surely doesn't smell anything like bud... someone tries sneaking that smell past me, i'd have to be pretty whacked atm not to pick up on it..

I was extremely high before hitting the bong. I sucked the bong hit down so fast, there was no time to catch it. Only when I blew it out did I realize something tasted VERY strange ... It was too late by then !
How much of the resin stuff did you notice? Could it have been hash? I've never seen kratom, but they make an extract from that that has similar opiate effects supposedly. But then again seems like a waste of money to put it on weed and sell it for only that much. I remember getting regs for a steak back in college and then BAM some shit shows up in a bag that puts you down hard! Loved it. Just be wary of any unusual side effects. If none are noticed, take it to the dome!
That'a boy! call his ass out lol, if he just smoked 5 grams of it through a bong....i would'nt of even paid for that shit to begin with, unless his ass is baked out of his mind...i'd be blowed after smokin 2-3 grams out of a bong

After about 5 mins of choking and trying to tell me to get a water from his fridge he said it LOL. He started talking all fast like he was paranoid or something. I bet he passed out LOL.