possible hermie


Active Member
Okay, my first grow and i just learned that one of my 3 plants is a guy. 2 weeks into flowering. One is def a girl, pistils showing. The other one I don't know what the F it is. Pics are attached. Just went and pulled the male.


New Member
i cant tell sorry but does it have any white hairs sticking out or any sacs? google it and try an find 1 that looks the closest to yours


Active Member
Yes, it's loaded down with white hairs. But all under the hairs are these round sacs, so I don't know what to think. I 've tried looking online at pics, but its' really hard to tell.


Well-Known Member
Do the sacks look bannana shaped? or do they look the the male pollen sacks under the white hairs?
Here is a early pic of one of my first hermies, does it kinda look like this?
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Active Member
It is loaded down with them. So, what, I just cut off all the balls. And keep in the 12/12 room with my other female? What do you do with the balls? throw away, make hash? Sosrry for all the questions, just new at this and pissed that i have made this mistake


New Member
its a real hassle you have to cut the balls off everytime 1 grows so that means inspecting everyday and the possibility of the weed being as good as if it was straight female is slim to none and after all the balls are cut throw them away but you may as well make hash out of the whole plant its easier. also keep this 1 far away from the female if u can put a wall between them or put the hermi outside that would be a good way to keep your other plant from being pollonated


Active Member
Thanks. I think i'll jsut make hash out of it. It'a about 18inches tall and has all the little hairs and stuff. What would be the best way to nake hash form it? I usually use a screen


New Member
Thanks. I think i'll jsut make hash out of it. It'a about 18inches tall and has all the little hairs and stuff. What would be the best way to nake hash form it? I usually use a screen

i have never made hash before so i guess your way should be fine


Active Member
Thanks for all the advice guys. I did find this picture that was a little clearer. This is my last ditch effort to make sure it is a hermie and that I am not about to trhow away a perfectly good female. Thanks

