Possible dumb question?

So obviously weed grows vertical, but can it grow horizontally say like under a bed in a special box or something. Growing more like an ivy I guess.


Active Member
You could do that but I don't think the results would be all that great. It would be hard to keep the area perfectly dark during the dark period. It would be hard to exhaust heat and keep the fans cool. You would have to worry about getting dirt and dust in your buds too.


Well-Known Member
I just transferred my plant from under my bed to my outdoor spot yesterday, check out my 10 bagseed grow in my journal and the 5 bagseed outdoors once which I'm currently working on.
What I was thinking was make a plywood grow box that was like 5ftX1ftx1ft and use 4ft tubes at the top and have cfls laying about 2-3 inches in front of it and as it grows use twist ties to tie it down. I just got kind of thinking of it for future options. I also was thinking it wouldn't really have weight issues with bud as it's not going against gravity.


Well-Known Member
Back in the day we grew in the field behind a friends house. Was just wild grass, about 2ft tall. Every time the plant got near the top of the grasses we would bend it down and bury the top. it would root and grow back up again. We basically spiraled it around, and the thing had to have been 6 feet in diameter, just a solid 1.5' tall mass of bent stems and tons of bushy leaves. Unfortunately it was found by his mom and destroyed before we could see what sort of harvest we might get :(