possible 12/12 interruption?


So I am 6 week into flowering and for the first few weeks things were going great. Now 6 weeks in things haven't progressed much.
The buds have basically stopped growing and the big fan leaves are pointed up and above the tops of the buds. Also some leaves near the tops buds are kind of glossy with little or no trichomes. Around 3-4 weeks thing were getting nice and frosty but now not so much.
Does this sound like something has broken the flowering cycle and if so can that be reversed this far along? Or should I scrap it all and start over again?


Well-Known Member
One interruption wouldn't do anything but if you had you're timer set incorrectly for a week or so the plants could definitely start revegging. They do have that look with new leaf growth at the top of the buds instead of a nice crown of pistils.. Did something happen with your light schedule? Because those look like they're revegging. Pictures 1 and 3. Also looks like heavy on the nutrients as well.


One interruption wouldn't do anything but if you had you're timer set incorrectly for a week or so the plants could definitely start revegging. They do have that look with new leaf growth at the top of the buds instead of a nice crown of pistils.. Did something happen with your light schedule? Because those look like they're revegging. Pictures 1 and 3. Also looks like heavy on the nutrients as well.
One interruption wouldn't do anything but if you had you're timer set incorrectly for a week or so the plants could definitely start revegging. They do have that look with new leaf growth at the top of the buds instead of a nice crown of pistils.. Did something happen with your light schedule? Because those look like they're revegging. Pictures 1 and 3. Also looks like heavy on the nutrients as well.
I don't think so but maybe some light has been getting in. I am going to do a real check over the tent tonight and see if any light has opened up into the tent.
If they are revenging can they be saved by a strict dark 12/12 schedule or should I junk them and start over?
I tend to go easy on the nutrients but I will definitely watch that.


Well-Known Member
Check to make sure you don't have a faulty timer...swap it out if you have another. I had one a while back that was coming on for 15 minutes in the middle of the night, and it stopped any bud growth. As soon as i corrected it, things wen't back to normal...but it was like starting at week 1 again. Luckily I was still in transition anyways.

What are you feeding, how much, and what kind of lights?


Well-Known Member
it does look like its revegging based on the new leaves growing out of buds. can be caused by Nitrogen toxicity during flower which you definitely have. dark green leaves, clawing down.

whether or not to scrap it depends on what else you have ready to flower and how bad you need buds i guess.

if you chose to keep it going i would double check for light leaks, check your timers and make sure theyre functioning properly. do a flush and feed your plants bloom nutes with little to no nitrogen if possible. then let em keep going on 11/13 or 10/14.

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Wow thanks for all the info guys!
I am using the FF Tiger Bloom. Don't think it has excess Nitrogen. Maybe I just screwed up the amount.
Any recommendations for flowering nutrients? I am growing in FF Ocean Forest.
Gonna try to save the plants but who knows at this point.
Using an Electric Sky 180 which I really like.


Well-Known Member
Wow thanks for all the info guys!
I am using the FF Tiger Bloom. Don't think it has excess Nitrogen. Maybe I just screwed up the amount.
Any recommendations for flowering nutrients? I am growing in FF Ocean Forest.
Gonna try to save the plants but who knows at this point.
Using an Electric Sky 180 which I really like.
tiger bloom is an appropriate flowering nutrient, it does have nitrogen but not too much. thats all you gave them? calmag has nitrogen in it too and is the usual culprit of this so cut out calmag if you're using it. otherwise yeah it could just be an overdose of the tiger bloom i guess cause it does have a bit of N in it.

either way id do just water for now