Positive people required!!


Sleep tight, sweet prince...

giphy.gif tired.gif duck_gif.gif
i see the keyboard monsters and still playing games. some pretty funny shit. rosey we are doing well, bugs have already gave me hell on my seedlings but i'll plant more if i have to. i sevin dusted them and then one came and bit the stem at the soil level. i popped 4 blue dream and lost all 4. trying to get some old white widow to pop and some white elephant too. been redoing my grow box and hope to have it done this weekend. take care everybody.
Really??!!!! Were the wrist shots really necessary? I'm going to have to smoke a bowl over lunch just to get that image out of my head.
IT was probably fake.

At least I will pretend it was. Like a scene from a scary movie.

Do you like scary movies?


Also - having experience with that sort of thing, most cutters are just sad people looking for a way to feel. And most of them, it's a cry for help. And because it's so visually noticeable, most of them get help.

So if that picture was real, I'm sure that person is doing just fine right now. And they will live their lives wearing their scars as a badge of honour, knowing what they have overcome.

Maybe. I like to think so...
IT was probably fake.

At least I will pretend it was. Like a scene from a scary movie.

Do you like scary movies?


Also - having experience with that sort of thing, most cutters are just sad people looking for a way to feel. And most of them, it's a cry for help. And because it's so visually noticeable, most of them get help.

So if that picture was real, I'm sure that person is doing just fine right now. And they will live their lives wearing their scars as a badge of honour, knowing what they have overcome.

Maybe. I like to think so...

I do love scary movies, but mostly supernatural horror, nothing that is likely to happen in real life.

When I joined the Air Force, I was disqualified for 95% of the jobs there because I am color blind (very, very colorblind, I got the lowest score they had ever seen on the test). Since I could not go into computers, I was an inpatient psychiatric therapist instead for my first four years. Before that I worked as a volunteer on a suicide hotline during high school. I've seen enough slit writs, hangings and overdoses during that time to last me a lifetime. When you live in that dark a place, sometimes the only way you can see to escape the darkness is to end it. I sincerely hope that you are correct and that the picture was either fake or the person found there way back to the light, but suicide isn't anything to joke about.

Sorry, but I thought a little historical context might explain why this pic bugs me so much.
I do love scary movies, but mostly supernatural horror, nothing that is likely to happen in real life.

When I joined the Air Force, I was disqualified for 95% of the jobs there because I am color blind (very, very colorblind, I got the lowest score they had ever seen on the test). Since I could not go into computers, I was an inpatient psychiatric therapist instead for my first four years. Before that I worked as a volunteer on a suicide hotline during high school. I've seen enough slit writs, hangings and overdoses during that time to last me a lifetime. When you live in that dark a place, sometimes the only way you can see to escape the darkness is to end it. I sincerely hope that you are correct and that the picture was either fake or the person found there way back to the light, but suicide isn't anything to joke about.

Sorry, but I thought a little historical context might explain why this pic bugs me so much.
I have experience with it from the other end of the spectrum. I was IN a support group for self injurers. It feels like it was a lifetime ago.

But, I got better. And a lot of people do. It's not really a sustainable coping mechanism, because after a couple trips to the hospital they put you on suicide watch.

Hard stuff to deal with. But actually talking about it, in my opinion, just helps.

I haven't met too many other SI people, recovered or otherwise, in real life outside of the support group.

But if I ever see some scars on people, I know. And I immediately feel a kinship to them.
@Yessica... @Johnny1120

You two need a good laugh?

How the Narcissist Responds to Being Ignored
The narcissist will devalue and demean those who don’t agree with him or those who point out his flaws. When being ignored, he generally will do one of two things:

1.) Label the person who ignored him as ‘inferior’ and thus give himself a reason to no longer think about the rejection

2.) If the ignoring person is highly valued and cannot be considered inferior, then the narcissist will then do his best to take revenge. It’s very common for a narcissist to treat someone badly just to “prove” to them that they are not important to him.

Want to know why see4 keeps doing the things he is doing? Look up Narcissist. You will find him.

And now we have chickens dancing

Okay, I must return back to work.
Love you guys.
@Yessica... @Johnny1120

You two need a good laugh?

How the Narcissist Responds to Being Ignored
The narcissist will devalue and demean those who don’t agree with him or those who point out his flaws. When being ignored, he generally will do one of two things:

1.) Label the person who ignored him as ‘inferior’ and thus give himself a reason to no longer think about the rejection

2.) If the ignoring person is highly valued and cannot be considered inferior, then the narcissist will then do his best to take revenge. It’s very common for a narcissist to treat someone badly just to “prove” to them that they are not important to him.

Want to know why see4 keeps doing the things he is doing? Look up Narcissist. You will find him.

And now we have chickens dancing

Okay, I must return back to work.
Love you guys.
Oh he and I already made up. hahaha

I know you won't care. No more fighting for me! yay!
I have experience with it from the other end of the spectrum. I was IN a support group for self injurers. It feels like it was a lifetime ago.

But, I got better. And a lot of people do. It's not really a sustainable coping mechanism, because after a couple trips to the hospital they put you on suicide watch.

Hard stuff to deal with. But actually talking about it, in my opinion, just helps.

I haven't met too many other SI people, recovered or otherwise, in real life outside of the support group.

But if I ever see some scars on people, I know. And I immediately feel a kinship to them.

I was in a suicide survivors group for a while when I was 15 (many ages ago), and talking about it does help. You are never quite the same afterwards though. I ended up leaving inpatient/outpatient psychiatry for psychology research (I was a clinical psychological research assistant) as much because I couldn't stay objective and I was having trouble sleeping as because I wanted to move to computer programming.

When I left inpatient psych, the patients on my ward got together and got me a plaque. The Air Force also gave me one, but the one from my patients is still my most treasured possession. I was not allowed to keep touch with those on my ward, but I hang on to the hope that they are doing well.
@Yessica... @Johnny1120

You two need a good laugh?

How the Narcissist Responds to Being Ignored
The narcissist will devalue and demean those who don’t agree with him or those who point out his flaws. When being ignored, he generally will do one of two things:

1.) Label the person who ignored him as ‘inferior’ and thus give himself a reason to no longer think about the rejection

2.) If the ignoring person is highly valued and cannot be considered inferior, then the narcissist will then do his best to take revenge. It’s very common for a narcissist to treat someone badly just to “prove” to them that they are not important to him.

Want to know why see4 keeps doing the things he is doing? Look up Narcissist. You will find him.

Holy fucking irony Batman.