Positive people required!!

Nah there's tricks to the trade...Unless your talking about magic's? Chicken's(Laetiporus) have a neon yellow underside sliced open are white and the only thing that really even looks close that is poisonous is jack-o-lantern's and they glow in the dark
Nah there's tricks to the trade...Unless your talking about magic's? Chicken's(Laetiporus) have a neon yellow underside sliced open are white and the only thing that really even looks close that is poisonous is jack-o-lantern's and they glow in the dark

Magics..I want some but have to wait till I can grow them myself. Don't want to be having a bad experience my first time.
Well seems pretty positive since the 2 minutes I've been on haha.

Not a mushroom hunter, but I love eatin' them. Never really looked into doing it, maybe I should lol. Might be kind of late up here, starting to get real cold.
Well seems pretty positive since the 2 minutes I've been on haha.

Not a mushroom hunter, but I love eatin' them. Never really looked into doing it, maybe I should lol. Might be kind of late up here, starting to get real cold.
Depend's on what your looking for? This is the beginning of the season....Psilocybe are a august shroom but pan's azure's like cool temp's.....As for growing your own Rosey that's really easy actually
Well seems pretty positive since the 2 minutes I've been on haha.

Not a mushroom hunter, but I love eatin' them. Never really looked into doing it, maybe I should lol. Might be kind of late up here, starting to get real cold.
Oh yeah no negativity is allowed here ;). We nip it in the bud if/when there's an issue..very rarely that happens.

Starting to cool off here too, freezing my ass off this morning.
IF you ever decided to start picking your own magic's I would suggest DEEP research into Gallerina's as they are DEADLY look alikes and are found in the same environment's
Depend's on what your looking for? This is the beginning of the season....Psilocybe are a august shroom but pan's azure's like cool temp's.....As for growing your own Rosey that's really easy actually

Oh they don't need to be trippy, I love the normal ones too. :) I'm in the midwest, starting to get down to the 50s at night.
Oh they don't need to be trippy, I love the normal ones too. :) I'm in the midwest, starting to get down to the 50s at night.
Me too!! This is the peak bro go out today!!! Check this
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Here's some poisonouselephant ears
laughing jacks
I could post pic's all day! They are out like crazy
Oyster'sSheepshead the works!


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Awesome, will have to do some research. And you can find both psychedelic and non around my parts right now?

I don't know the first thing about hunting. I've eaten plenty of both though haha.
When I'm back at work, I'll take a shot of the next ones I see..

Mostly they look cream colored, like typical button shrooms. I did see some that looked like this though..
