Portrait of a Traitor ...


New Member
All you righties bitch and moan about Obama, but have no solutions. Instead of criticizing Obama, tell us what your right wing solutions would be, in a realistic manor. It is real easy to criticize, but where are your esteemed solutions? Not like, "Well, I pulled my money and put it in Euros, the rest of you dumb bastards are idiots". If we are to work on a wage based on the mexican economy, seems like the future to me, we might as well get used to the Amero Idea. Believe me, this isn't/wasn't all Obamas Idea, the last 8 years set the stage for all this drama. Bush 1-2 and Clinton were setting all this up. Started for real with NAFTA. Thanks Clinton.


New Member
I've already explained solutions many times.... recharge that burnt out memory bank of urs....

Keysnian economics are what Obama is doing and it will... is failing right now. Anything non Keysnian is a step in the right direction. that kind of economics is nonsense.


Well-Known Member
Anything would be better than throwing our tax dollars around like play money.
Dont sit there and go on with the classic blame bush the last 8 years wa wa wa. Enough of the same song and dance presented with facts all libs resort to personal attacks. Lets all sit back relax watch the mesiah fail in epic fashion and then the Republicans will be there to pick up the broken pieces,just like other times the Dems are put in charge i.e ..Lyndon B. Johnson..Jimmy Carter .lmao, come 2010 the dems will be falling like flies:clap: thanks guys for once again showing us your true colors


New Member
Please don't be surprised when Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan fall into bloodbaths.... you don't elect the most liberal and inexperienced Senator in history and expect to win ANY wars.

We will lose those wars now..... so don't be surprised.


New Member
All you righties bitch and moan about Obama, but have no solutions. Instead of criticizing Obama, tell us what your right wing solutions would be, in a realistic manor. It is real easy to criticize, but where are your esteemed solutions? Not like, "Well, I pulled my money and put it in Euros, the rest of you dumb bastards are idiots". If we are to work on a wage based on the mexican economy, seems like the future to me, we might as well get used to the Amero Idea. Believe me, this isn't/wasn't all Obamas Idea, the last 8 years set the stage for all this drama. Bush 1-2 and Clinton were setting all this up. Started for real with NAFTA. Thanks Clinton.
Stop in a little more often, Med-'O-Mao.

Why would anyone want to waste his/her time answering your nonsensical posts when by the time you stop in again, the answer is on page one, when the thread is on page twenty?

And by the way, your questions have already been answered over and over again.

jeff f

New Member
ahhhh!! you righties are all the same. i keep burying my head in the sand and all you want to talk about are facts. what the fuck is wrong with you guys? hyperinflation? seriously? that hasnt happened in the world since....i dunnno....last summer? the dollar will never be a third rate currency...that could never happen...you righties are just trying to scare people.

BTW, we really need to raise taxes to fix this economy stuff thats going on right now. raising taxes in a deep recession always works for getting economies back on their feet. for every million in taxes i can extort from the working class, i can produce 14 jobs

plus, i cant believe you right wing extremist deny the fact that you planned all this economic chaos just to bring down a black man...you do know he is black you racist bastards?

NOTE TO READER; previous paragraphs were sarcasm for you idiots who couldnt figure it out, but i digress. when truth hits these idiots, and it will, i cant wait to hear the history rewrite. how far into the future will they be able to blame bush? my guess is about 10 years. after that too many studies will have determined the truth, too many to ignore.

history is a mother fucker. the truth will set you free!

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
There might not be a solution to the monetary crisis in the sense that a manipulated "solution" will always be available for a soft landing. The bag of tricks is almost empty, now it's time for the crash and inflation. The dollar may well disappear. In real purchasing power it practically has aready. I'm no economist but this I am certain of - The origin of the problems can be laid at the feet of the Federal Reserve and big government.

To look to one party or the other as the savior or as the source of blame is short sighted. The cause was long ago put in motion by both Republicans and Democrats acceptance of fiat money and an over spending meddling government.

The chickens will come home to roost and it won't be pretty. More gvernment won't solve the problem, since it was "more government" that set up the crisis in the first place.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
More government isn't the answer??? How can this be??
As a former Republican I'd like to add another traitor to the board.

Sen. Olympia Snowe, the only Republican to support the Finance Committee's health care bill, said Wednesday she could foresee a government-run plan that would "kick in" if private insurers fail to live up to expectations.

The stock market loves the news - DOW 10,000 is coming fast, as I and other investors make a killing... but how are you doing Joe Sixpack?


New Member
I just saw her on an interview. Hank Hill would put her in a headlock.

She said (on health care) ..."this is my position today. What it will be tomorrow, I don't know"

I'm sorry, is that leadership? Is that governing? How about figuring out your basic principles and THEN running for office.

Olympia Willow Snowe bending to any winter wind.


Well-Known Member
I love how CJ is always insisting "Obama's approval is dropping", yet according to the polls - it isn't.

He must be talking about his OWN approval of Obama.


Well-Known Member
I just saw her on an interview. Hank Hill would put her in a headlock.

She said (on health care) ..."this is my position today. What it will be tomorrow, I don't know"

I'm sorry, is that leadership? Is that governing? How about figuring out your basic principles and THEN running for office.

Olympia Willow Snowe bending to any winter wind.
we wouldn't want anyone who who changes their mind in light of new information would we? lol


New Member
ahhhh!! you righties are all the same. i keep burying my head in the sand and all you want to talk about are facts. what the fuck is wrong with you guys? hyperinflation? seriously? that hasnt happened in the world since....i dunnno....last summer? the dollar will never be a third rate currency...that could never happen...you righties are just trying to scare people.

BTW, we really need to raise taxes to fix this economy stuff thats going on right now. raising taxes in a deep recession always works for getting economies back on their feet. for every million in taxes i can extort from the working class, i can produce 14 jobs

plus, i cant believe you right wing extremist deny the fact that you planned all this economic chaos just to bring down a black man...you do know he is black you racist bastards?

NOTE TO READER; previous paragraphs were sarcasm for you idiots who couldnt figure it out, but i digress. when truth hits these idiots, and it will, i cant wait to hear the history rewrite. how far into the future will they be able to blame bush? my guess is about 10 years. after that too many studies will have determined the truth, too many to ignore.

history is a mother fucker. the truth will set you free!
Well, Jeff ... I suspect that when the truth finally hits these arrogant bastards, and the world is in economic chaos, when there is blood running in the streets, they will, as Ayn Rand predicted, be screaming: "BUT ... I didn't mean THIS!!!"


New Member
All energy will be not focused on fixing the coming debacle. No, instead all govt energy will be spent blaming others.