portable ac negative pressure

i bought a dual hose portable ac for my sealed room and i am having a negative air problem. my co2 burner is on way more often because the ac is sucking it out, and that is making it hotter which is keeping the ac on longer. has anyone else experienced this with a portable? and is their a unit out there that doesn't have this problem? any help would be much appreciated

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
Don't know if theres a portable A/C out there that won't have the same problem, but you could try raising the A/C up off the floor. Hanging it from the ceiling would be ideal.


Well-Known Member
Do you have the input hose pulling air from outside the room? If not, that will take care of most of the problem although many two hose systems draw in some room air via the grills.
i think i solved the problem. i put a inline fan with a speed controller on the intake so any air the a/c wants to suck out of the room, i pump it right into the machine. its cooling more efficient and im wasting alot less co2. i want to put the inline on a thermostat so it turns off when the a/c turns off, that would be optimal.