

Well-Known Member
What's your opinion of porn?

Do you watch porn?

According to researchers at the university of Montreal, they were unable to find a male participant for their study who hadn't viewed pornographic material on a regular basis;

What do you think the possible long term outcomes of 100% of men viewing a more sexually stimulating simulation than they'd receive via real world sexual stimulation could be?
Hey, Pad. It is my opinion that even a run-of-the-mill real life sexual experience is more stimulating than almost any porn, no matter how nasty. I come harder and can feel the chemical rush irl much more than rubbing one out to the hotties on pornhub. Do you find that to be the case?
If I can get what took millions of years of evolution through natural selection to create in a digital moment, what incentive do I have to procreate?

Do you think the expanses of human sexuality through technology will eventually lead to issues with human reproduction? Or on the contrary, will it save us from the problems of overpopulation? Do you view sexual gratification outside natural human parameters ultimately as a good thing or a bad thing? Why?
I am really looking forward to advances in technology that will allow greater solo sexual pleasure, such as virtual reality, cyborgs hotties, etc.. I think this can only be beneficial to us by not having to waste time and resources on the wrong partners just to attain sexual gratification, and by slowing the rate of our procreation. I often wish I could turn off my sexual drive in order to peacefully focus on other important areas of my life, and I've made many bad decisions and wasted a lot of resources simply to attain fleeting sexual gratification with women that otherwise added little to my life. If technology could truly replicate a satisfying sexual experience, we may be more likely to not waste time on the wrong partners, and be more free to wait for the right partner for us...

P.S. in sticking with the spirit of this thread, FUCK YOU! ;)
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Well-Known Member
Hey, Pad. It is my opinion that even a run-of-the-mill real life sexual experience is more stimulating than almost any porn, no matter how nasty. I come harder and can feel the chemical rush irl much more than rubbing one out to the hotties on pornhub. Do you find that to be the case?
No, but then again I wouldn't call them "run-of-the-mill", I'd call them outright bad

Run-of-the-mill sexual experiences are better than porn imo


Well-Known Member
I don't understand the question. I just presented it to you, in the same way it was presented to me in the article.

My sample members wish to remain anonymous, but I can write down the question I asked them (Do you, or have you ever watched hardcore pornography?) and their answer (No.) in a separate post if you like.

Small sample size, but 1/7 doesn't fare very well for your claim (and I think I might have a good guess who the outliar is...)

That kind of evidence

Also, you should clarify the question to just 'porn', not 'hardcore porn' to be more accurate


New Member
I haven't watched porn in about 3 months now. It could not be a better experience. Sex with my gf lasts sooo much longer now and I feel like I have a more relaxed state of mind.


Well-Known Member
It’s too far back to read all this stuff, and I’m high as a mother fucker. We talking about what we like in porn?

I like some porn. Mostly porn without dudes in it because I feel like the dudes in porn look like steroid-riddled misogynists and rapists.

“yeah you take that cum you fucking whore, take all my cock you cum guzzling slut”

It’s lucky that in real life dudes never try that shit with me during a blowie. I’d bite down something FEIRCE