porn websites


Well-Known Member
K, I'm sorry people on this site have made you feel alienated. For every lover there's a hater... and a fair share of trolls. I for one have loved your openness and sensuality. The world is becoming far too uptight. Sometimes the ignore button is almost as good as a .45


Well-Known Member
Your so wet behind the ears on this one it's not even funny. I masturbate to porn even though I get tail. My girl isn't around me 24/7. For you to say that if im in love with some one my male instinct and sexual drive should shut down is ignorant and misguided ar the very least. You are cluless as to what it is to be a man, its been scientifically proven that a main brain does not function very well while aroused in a way that does not happen to women, we are literally animals when horny. Fault evolution for that, not the porn industry. You have all these preconceived notion that these women have such low self esteem, they do not. Some of the may, but so do you, you just show it differently. You are so judgmental it's not even cool. I've know a few women that have done porn, none with a low self esteem. So just keep belittling people you don't understand. You are clearly close minded about this sort of topic.
for these chicks to be in porn they prolly think pretty highly abought they're bodies


Well-Known Member
for these chicks to be in porn they prolly think pretty highly abought they're bodies
Thats a good point. I mean there are no doubt that some women are alienated into porn, but it's really not a devil industry. Many of the women go onto working behind the camera as a director or producer or starting their own company. Also porn has only made the sex life I have with women better. Lots of good ideas, and openness. Porn ftw.


Well-Known Member
If I just told you I did porn don't even lie and say you wouldn't judge me for it because I was judged enough for posting pictures. Don't even try to imply 'there's nothing wrong with it, if you did it it wouldn't matter when I know for a fact you'd be looking down on me.

First guy on this page says he doesn't need porn when in a relationship. Men can get off when they feel lie it there no problem with that, but do they need to do it to unrealistic depictions of other women?

Also a perfect explanation of why porn stars are dysfunctional. You all did such a good job of pointing out I (with my underwear pics, described as softcore porn) must be dysfunctional. So I accept it and you completely double back on yourselves? The fuck? If it gies for me all those prnstars are attention seeking and have daddy issues too. Only worse cause they takd payment for their public self destruction. Hell, I should charge people to watch me post when I'm upset.

My boyfriend and I are 140 miles away from eachother, I know about your partner not being there 24/7

I wa trying not to be completely self centred and judge by moral majority instead of justifying myself. Ok, now I am justifying myself and everyone has a problem. Do you want me to stand up or roll over, people. Fuck.


Well-Known Member
And kuroi is assuming these chicks don't love getting fucked. BIG assumption. THat's like assuming the guys aren't enjoying it.. WTF?

Obviously the girls are there on their own terms.. They aren't getting raped.


Well-Known Member
If I just told you I did porn don't even lie and say you wouldn't judge me for it because I was judged enough for posting pictures. Don't even try to imply 'there's nothing wrong with it, if you did it it wouldn't matter when I know for a fact you'd be looking down on me.

First guy on this page says he doesn't need porn when in a relationship. Men can get off when they feel lie it there no problem with that, but do they need to do it to unrealistic depictions of other women?

Also a perfect explanation of why porn stars are dysfunctional. You all did such a good job of pointing out I (with my underwear pics, described as softcore porn) must be dysfunctional. So I accept it and you completely double back on yourselves? The fuck? If it gies for me all those prnstars are attention seeking and have daddy issues too. Only worse cause they takd payment for their public self destruction. Hell, I should charge people to watch me post when I'm upset.

My boyfriend and I are 140 miles away from eachother, I know about your partner not being there 24/7

I wa trying not to be completely self centred and judge by moral majority instead of justifying myself. Ok, now I am justifying myself and everyone has a problem. Do you want me to stand up or roll over, people. Fuck.
I was right, your bring up comment from some random ass hat from a forum? Your argument is based on genralization from multiple sources all being grouped together as one. Kuroi you are so wrong to think I would think less of you because a person did porn. You sound like a 60 year old republican white guy. Porn does not make you less of a person or disfunctional, in fact i have a certain respect for porn actor/actresses. Its not easy to go out and do that. Hell I could tell you horror stories of people with cannabis, does that mean its bad?

You are so all over the road, you won't even stay on one issue I'm having to jump all around. Again they don't all have daddy issues, youre either projecting or just don't know what your talking about. Your only looking at the porn industry through one filter; the one that says they are all whores who have daddy issues and they are defiling there bodies... Why don't you look up all the stories where porn has helped save relationships. I will freely admit porn can do harm in many cases, but and excess of anything is not good. Try looking from another perspective rather than the one side you keep up. Again life isn't so black and white.


Ursus marijanus
maybe allow for her being in pain, bleeding and exhausted from hospital plus pills. It would be neighborly imo. cn


Well-Known Member
Well there lies the problem. Black and white thinking

This can result in a narrow focus in both thought and action where the individual is unable to consider other perspectives or behaviours outside that which is already known. The person may, for example, insist on eating the same food every day, sit in the same seat on the bus and become agitated when this is not possible and find it difficult to manage changes at work or home.The tendency towards black and white thinking may result in unrealistic choices and perspectives. For example, someone in a relationship may feel that the relationship must be perfect and that any disagreement is a sign that it is a failure and should be abandoned. If it’s not perfect; it must be terrible is the thinking and the ability to consider other more positive aspects is less developed.
I understand the Encyclopedia Drammatica entry on us now. People like me should stay the fuck off the Internet and keep themselves to themselves.

I am going to just roll over and say I am wrong because it's easier.


Well-Known Member
Just because a few people have flip flopped on how they feel about your pics on line does not mean anything really. and I don't know what I've double backed on. I've been rock solid this whole time. I never said you were disfunctional for postig pics, all I ever said was it was a little weird getting one in my inbox without asking. I never said putting it online was disfunctional or slutty in any way shape or form. I think it's cool that you are comfortable in your own skin, but man women in porn are just more comftrable. Does that make them disfunctional whores? Not in my mind. Does that make me a pig? Judge me however you may, you sure have no problem judging an entire industry.


Well-Known Member
maybe allow for her being in pain, bleeding and exhausted from hospital plus pills. It would be neighborly imo. cn
Dude she's the one who came in this thread waving her arms around telling is we have no dignity. I don't know a damn thing about her personal life situation or anything about bleeding. If she wants to engage in debate or not that was her decision.


Well-Known Member
That's the thing. I clearly was not comfortable in my own skin. People who do those sorts of thigs aren't. They are lookin for validation. As embarrassing as it is I've learned to accept and acknowledge that after several members commented on how screwed in the head I must be to feel the need to do that. I cant actually deal with someone telling me actually peas right all along after the fact. If you didn't think what I did was shameful you wouldn't have brought it up in the heat of an argument on the public forum to make a point/show me up. What I did was wrong, I am the one in the wrong, I told you guys what you wanted to hear and swallowed my pride already. Now I don't know what to think. I'm fucking off.


Well-Known Member
Well there lies the problem. Black and white thinking

I understand the Encyclopedia Drammatica entry on us now. People like me should stay the fuck off the Internet and keep themselves to themselves.

I am going to just roll over and say I am wrong because it's easier.
Ok I'm not gonna be a dick here. Pitty party won't work on me. I just don't see the need to vilify us members, I wanted to present a different perspective while defending myself and other people talking about porn. If that discussion leads to you thinking you can't handle the Internet, maybe there's ssomething to that.


Well-Known Member
Ok I'm not gonna be a dick here. Pitty party won't work on me. I just don't see the need to vilify us members, I wanted to present a different perspective while defending myself and other people talking about porn. If that discussion leads to you thinking you can't handle the Internet, maybe there's ssomething to that.
I have been told to stay off the Internet by members of this forum already so this is the 'last nail in the coffin' confirmation. I am just being straight. I don't understand people. I guess that's not your fault.


Well-Known Member
That's the thing. I clearly was not comfortable in my own skin. People who do those sorts of thigs aren't. They are lookin for validation. As embarrassing as it is I've learned to accept and acknowledge that after several members commented on how screwed in the head I must be to feel the need to do that. I cant actually deal with someone telling me actually peas right all along after the fact. If you didn't think what I did was shameful you wouldn't have brought it up in the heat of an argument on the public forum to make a point/show me up. What I did was wrong, I am the one in the wrong, I told you guys what you wanted to hear and swallowed my pride already. Now I don't know what to think. I'm fucking off.
Again I don't think it's shameful. Kuroi please remember you first brought up the fact that you posted pics, not I. So because you felt ashamed (again I don't think the human body is shameful at all) that must be how all girls feel? That's not how it work, you know that.


Well-Known Member
I have been told to stay off the Internet by members of this forum already so this is the 'last nail in the coffin' confirmation. I am just being straight. I don't understand people. I guess that's not your fault.
who cares if you dont understand people, they just dont understand you