Porch Monkey Ghetto Grow


New Member
yeah, same porch same spot, just longer days. i dont rotate as much as i used to. they dont lean for the sun as much anymore. id rather they veg or produce buds, rather than spend energy facing the sun after a rotation.
awesome man. i made the mistake of planting a few too early this year myself but they have straightened themselves out as well. One of them has grown up to be shoulder high already and I still have about half a month to a full month before they start to flower.:mrgreen:
I hope to see yours do the same brother.

After they start getting good light they lean to receive it less. If the dont get enough, they bend to try and correct it themselves. I dont even bother to rotate my outdoor plants, With them being on your porch though it isnt such a bad idea.
What nutes have you been using?


Well-Known Member
ive been using a tea of just water, peroxide, and composted manure.

ive been thinking about making a guano tea, but that would cost money.


New Member
ive been using a tea of just water, peroxide, and composted manure.

ive been thinking about making a guano tea, but that would cost money.
may i suggest that you check out this line of nutes? they are REALLY cheap and work GREAT for that price. Your plants would you for that $25 bro...


Stimulates structural and vegetative growth. Builds strong roots. Provides Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium, and secondary minerals.

Flora Gro is available in the following quantities:
• 1 Pint
• 1 Quart
• 1 Gallon
• 2.5 Gallon
• 6 Gallon

Stimulates flower and fruit development. Enhances flavor, aroma, and essential oils. Provides high Phosphorous, Potassium, Magnesium, and Sulfur.

Flora Bloom is available in the following quantities:
• 1 Pint
• 1 Quart
• 1 Gallon
• 2.5 Gallon
• 6 Gallon


New Member
sounds interesting, ill look into it.
In my opinion they work as good or better than foxfarms and they are MUCH cheaper.
I wasnt sure if you wanted the info or not but Im glad youll consider it.
sorry for cluttering up ya journal with these post bro.
How are the babies doing today?
Also have they gotten any preflowers yet so you can determine whats male and whats female?


Well-Known Member
they seem to be doing well. dancing in the breeze, stinkin up the back porch.

some have definite pre-flowers. but no signs of definite males yet. i need to get a magnifier.

no apologies either! ask any questions!


Well-Known Member
as requested, her are a few more pics.

that chair is getting awfully small!

the last picture is a possible male. its on one of the lower nodes. they could be pollen sacks, they are much more yellow than any of the pre-flowers on any of the other plants. up a few nodes it looks like pre-flowers or tightly packed leaves. i really have very little experience identifying a male from a female. but atleast i know wut a female looks like!

and i can say atleast 10 are female and maybe more! maybe a lot more!

please help with the IDing of the sex of this plant.

btw, thanks dj!



Well-Known Member
wows you make me cry with joy. I just read this whole thread and great great job. I've been doing my first grow outside, then moved them inside to setup a lighting system, then I have move them back outside in a couple days due to parents changing their minds :/

I'll keep this thread bookmarked, checkout mine and give me a couple pointers. I'm fairly newb and just need advice on topping/trimming and etc.

PS. I have a full back yard near the woods with plenty of sun.


New Member
nice chairs.?

ha ha WHAT chairs:)

that plant looks like it could be a male but I cant see from that pic too well.
males make little balls that look like seeds but since they are full of pollen they are squishy not hard.

Ive attached a picture of a male preflower so you can see what they look like a little bit


Active Member
yea that picture by mountainstar should help you out. once you see the little clusters of balls, its up to you to gamble a little on how patient you are about waiting for female pistils to show.

if it's questionable on one or two, just realize that the longer you wait for female traits to show in a probable male plant, the more you are risking the whole rest of your crop from being pollinated.

not meaning to stress you out; just pointing out the trade-off that you should have in mind


Well-Known Member
i understand and you guys make good points. at this time i think within the new few weeks most of the plants will be sexed. ive been pulling aside possible males and sure within a the coming days it will be more obvious.

im trying to be a little more patient because i think its still early to tell on some of em.

and thanks for the pic!


Well-Known Member
Im at around 85 days.

just doing the same old routine.

they definitely need water everyday or im risking wilt.

i put up a nunch of pics just to get some comments.

alot of the flowers look alike at this time i cant see which is which. some are extremely more fragrant and id say maybe 10 have hairs.

honest i thought by now id have bud action. probably the downfall of the porch, but ill be patient!

