poppys everything you need to know

sup camaro and everyone else, why dont you buy the dried pods online?

the commercial harvest will be ready end of this months and they sell the pods by the hundreds online.

i been drinking opium tea every other day making each batch with 5 dried crushed pods, im definatly addicted, i get sick if i dont drink it every other day but man its great:D

so wouldnt the easyest way be to just order the pods online instead of growing them?

they cost around $1 a pod after the harvest comes in, right now they are selling them for $2-$3 per pod cuz there is a shortage since its harvest time

Ok so would you or someone please point me in the right direction to get some dried pods or seeds? Would be nice to grow my own. Even a vague reference to where to obtain the things you all are talking about would be enough for me. Those are beautiful flowers, want!
Ok so would you or someone please point me in the right direction to get some dried pods or seeds? Would be nice to grow my own. Even a vague reference to where to obtain the things you all are talking about would be enough for me. Those are beautiful flowers, want!

Go to nearest grocery store, Mcorrmics poppy seeds is a good choice. They should be red tazzies (potent). When they grow them over in Tazmania the pharmecudical companies get the opium while the food companies get the seeds.
Alcholic tinticture is the best method for long term storage

but opium alcks. are fairly stable at room temp. when dry and in the dark , Their have ben containers of landium found that were 100+ years old and still active

It's best to keep them in whole pod form for legal reasons
I grew some poppies. Made some tea. Puked and itched for a day, couldn't shit for two more. Won't do that again.
Update....now that the Feds cracked down on the pill mills people are turning to heroin. Before playing with this buzz I suggest spending time at a methadone clinic to check out the end result...if your lucky. Lousy heroin junkies will do anything to feed their habit.
Update....now that the Feds cracked down on the pill mills people are turning to heroin. Before playing with this buzz I suggest spending time at a methadone clinic to check out the end result...if your lucky. Lousy heroin junkies will do anything to feed their habit.

unless you have an acre or so and are willing to play and harvest it all, there isn't much of a threat. That is a reason law enforcement isn't more proactive. A heroin buzz is quite different than opium. In my case, using it continuously for a month resulted in a mild case of flue like symptoms and a little craving for a few days. I can't speak for anyone else but my self, but a pipeload is unlikely to send you into your grandma's purse.
unless you have an acre or so and are willing to play and harvest it all, there isn't much of a threat. That is a reason law enforcement isn't more proactive. A heroin buzz is quite different than opium. In my case, using it continuously for a month resulted in a mild case of flue like symptoms and a little craving for a few days. I can't speak for anyone else but my self, but a pipeload is unlikely to send you into your grandma's purse.
Maybe not....but I have known people that will do just about anything to get a few lousy hydrocodones.
i guess if you are gonna go down that yellow brick road, having some narcan as an antidote wouldn't hurt. if they are in distress, a 0.4mg dose is where you should start. you just have to be very careful with this stuff as if you hit them with too much at once it's akin to hitting a brick wall going 60mph. you can give narcan either intervenously (smaller needle, a little skill needed), intermuscularly (bigger needle, no skill) or intranasally (no needle, no skill) IV works the quickest, next quickest is intranasally, then slowest IM. narcan works pretty quickly, so if you give a 0.4mg dose and get no effect after 2-3 minutes, hit them with another 0.4mg. still nothing after 5 mins from original dose, hit them with 2mg. after that, if nothing happens and they are still in distress, better call an ambulance.

i know this was prolly a dead thread, but i thought i'd add a little helpful info. and a little background on me so you know i'm not talking out my ass- i'm a paramedic and ER RN and have treated more overdoses than i care to remember. one of the reasons i got out of the "legitimate" medical business that wants to push big pharma and into actual medicine in helping people with cannabis.
i think it would be rather difficult to get addicted to opiates via opium alone. while definitely possible, experience tells me id have to go on a serious, and i mean serious binge to get addicted to it. while different drugs affect all people differently and others may have the potential to get addicted much more easily than others, i feel it is safe to say that opium is the lesser of many evils. on my scale opium <codeine <hyrdocodone <morphine <oxycontin <Fentanyl as far as addiction potential scale goes. that said i would not smoke opium everday like i smoke weed. my 2 cents

Opium is very addictive with full-blown WD symptoms.Rest in the knowledge.Opium is not evil.But it is moorish.