

Well-Known Member
by looking at the picture i am afraid not my friend. You need morphine poppy seeds - they are all the same colour flower, a sort of reddy purple with white on lower leaf parts. Managed to get some last year, went to the Eden project in Cornwall. They have a big poppy patch in the summer and leave the dried seed heads in a bucket next to the plants for people to take - most charitable of them i thought.

Good luck in your quest - they are actually growing fields of it down here, near Oxford, for the govt to extract opium for the NHS because of the world shortage of diamorphine, and because the American Govt are putting pressure on Europe to stop using diamorphine and use mophine instead - especially for terminal care.

Why they can't just buy up the Afghan opium and use that instead of letting it hit the streets and kill our kids is one for the conspiracy theorists.


Well-Known Member
thanks, i just wondered, if these mite be them as well, i just got them free, with my gardening book.
i have some of the opiam ones too, just thought these mite have been them, too.
never mind, ill still plant them. more coulor, in le jardan


Well-Known Member
by looking at the picture i am afraid not my friend. You need morphine poppy seeds - they are all the same colour flower, a sort of reddy purple with white on lower leaf parts. Managed to get some last year, went to the Eden project in Cornwall. They have a big poppy patch in the summer and leave the dried seed heads in a bucket next to the plants for people to take - most charitable of them i thought.

Good luck in your quest - they are actually growing fields of it down here, near Oxford, for the govt to extract opium for the NHS because of the world shortage of diamorphine, and because the American Govt are putting pressure on Europe to stop using diamorphine and use mophine instead - especially for terminal care.

Why they can't just buy up the Afghan opium and use that instead of letting it hit the streets and kill our kids is one for the conspiracy theorists.

im with you there,
my wife works for the drug service, and yes we have a shortage.
didnt think,it would really grow in england, im from leeds, and didnt think they would grow. mite stick with growing weed. but will just grow and see if the poppys work.
even ill people, cannot get mophine, due to the shortage, they will only give them the tablet form,or methodone.
not drug users people who get it for pain.
have to take methodone, and they have never took drugs,in there lifes, just got put on m. for pain, and they are having to take methodone.lol bad egh.
like you say
why cannot they just get the pakistanies in the hills grow it?? plus it must be cheaper than, growing it in england. but probly, better in the long run, not having to depend on them for nothing, oil,morphine,they have all the good things, why are they always fighting. joke.
insted of selling there to drug dealer, why dont our gov. just paythem more for it.
i dont understand. can somone explain.:evil::peace:


Well-Known Member
Papaver Somniferum is what youre lookin for, you can order the pods off ebay (and get high off them too! and addicted...be careful...). each pod contains like a trillion seeds, i have like bucket fulls of the shit. pm me for specific ebay buyer info


Active Member
no man go to your spice rack at the super store and get the mc cormick brand /They are papavar somniferum tasmanians Tasmanians have the most alkoloids of poppys. They are also easy to grow. Just throw them out in loose soil and watch them grow then spread them out 12 inches apart and in 4 months youl have what your looking for.


New Member
I feel like a noob asking this... but...

I have a ton of opium poppies growing in my neighbors garden.

I was just wondering... How the hell do you get high off this plant? someone told me to just crack it open and smoke the seeds... but then I remember watching a video of some mexicans scrapping the bulbs... So... wtf do you do?


Active Member
score the ripe bulb vertically 1/16th of a inch and let her leak out latex for a few hours, scrape off with credit card, repeat til she quits, dry, mix with bud... awesomeness