poppy seeds???


New Member
Best way round that is to plant in peat pots which you then just stick in the ground so there is no need to remove aand replant. You can buy little ones by the thousand and you WILL need thousands (& a decent site - lots of land needed) for a worthwhile crop. A hundred plants will only give you a few days' worth.
Peat pots are the best things ever. No need to expose roots or otherwise distress plants and peat is the greatest growing medium anyway. Will improve plants in unsuitablr doil. Mind you poppy will grow in poor soil. Note some of the areas worldwide with high density poppy fields. Not exactly green and fertile land. South Afghanistan anyone?
one of my favourite movies of all time.

the only poppy growing tip i've gained so far is: they don't transplant well. choose their "forever home" before you plant them.


Well-Known Member

I grew a couple plants a few years ago. Persian Whites. Unfortunately, this is about the only picture I have of them. Some time into July or Aug, they started getting pissy and slowly but surely withered away. I was able to harvest the good stuff from them beforehand, but I didn't get a chance to collect any seeds. Next year I want a field full. Six fields full.


Well-Known Member
The best in my opinion is White Peshawars, larger pods. In order to reap rewards worth time for poppies you will need to grow a large plot outside. By large I mean Visible from the sky large. I have grown turkish Reds, White peshawars, Blacks, and some common breadseeds (dark purple prolly same as blacks) mine cross pollinated so mine are pink with dark purple centers. They are beautiful flowers but imo grow them for ornamental reasons.


Well-Known Member
Papavar Somniferum - look for it by name. I hear it does like cool conditions for sowing and flowers with longer days. Can't beat the peat pots for easy transplanting. Super ugly cabbage looking weed, unit it finally flowers. Relatively high amount of work for reward. A web search will get you to a few good guides.


Well-Known Member
The peat pots/pods are great for transplants

But If you can avoid them and plant directly it's always better with poppys , the thin mesh that holds the pod together is just to strong for most of the roots to penertrate , so it will cause a somewhat root bound plant


Obtaining pap. Somniferum seeds doesn't in any way mean you have seeds worth growing for opiates.

most supermarket poppies are pap's, but the distinct lack of potency will become evident once harvested. I grew out some last year, and although the pods were a good golf-ball size (not all, just the biggest - there's little uniformity in the pods sizes accross plants), the raw opium latex was just rubbish. Even the poppy pod tea I made from five large pods had no noticable effect at all.

make sure you get yourself a strain of p.Somniferum that is known for it's potency, or prepare for dissappointment.


I got so,e photos of the flowers then the pods when they dropped their petals. What makes the flowers even more beautiful is the weediness of the plant below thrm. Ugly fuckers, then out of a long thin stem this amazing, regal-lookimg flower spreads open.

It almost makes me understand why people waste their time growing ornamentals for the flowers.

*Almost* ;)

Edit: The photos are on a usb stick somewhere, I meant to say, since I don't keep any photos like that on my machine: keeps my devices 'clean' so I never lose them as evidence regardless what life brings.


Well-Known Member
so i heard that mccormick poppy seeds are red razzies or something like that.. Australia's morphine supply comes from reds.. so is there any truth to this???
Not just Australia - A high percentage of the worlds licet opiates come from Tazmanian poppies.
They are harvested early and the straws are processed.

Ask anyone who lives in Taz about how well they're policed.

You get within 50 metres of growing poppies and you will be stopped searched and questioned.

But they have developed the poppy with the highest amount of useable opiates on earth.

In a year with little sun the poppy develops high codeine low morphine.
Lots of sun reverses this.

Making opium is simple
Extracting morphine base from the opium is fairly easy, also.

But, since I've grown indoor MJ, I avoid anything that even looks like a poppy or MJ plant in my garden.

I don't want to get caught because a neighbour calls the cops (over 6 poppies and a ruderalis hemp plant) and they search the place and find 3000w of glory.


Well-Known Member
Glad to see activity in this thread again. I had a lot of fun with my small patch last year. I think whoever said i didn't thin enough might be right. On the other hand I feel like it might be six in one hand half dozen in the other. My pods were a lot smaller on average, but I got a lot more of them. Curious how the total pod weight on a given area of land would differ. I want to grow them again this summer but I'm worried going much bigger might draw attention living in town. Man if I lived out in the country it would be on! Even off my little patch I harvested so many seeds its ridiculous and I only let about 1/2 of them go that long.

I'm by no means an expert, but it seems like starting them in peat pods or whatever would be too time consumer. They don't like transplanting either, the root is literally the size of a thread. I tried transplanting some of the ones I thinned and no matter how careful I was I don't think a single one made it.


Well-Known Member
futant and dribbles. Good looking dogs !

I tried some poppies inside, very easy to culivate since you just drop them on the surface and like cold temps to germinate best from what I have observed. Like sonar said transplanting is a death wish. Plant them where they will live. Had tazi's and giants. I want to try a round outside this year. Though the slice marks make them a little more out of place in the flower beds
Edit: I should of said Colder as in 65-70F, not just cold


I got some actual afhgani persian whites to plant in winter this year. Only about 40 seeds in the pack though, so I'll have to make a point of planting at the right time.


Active Member
I grew these last summer

I did about 50 plants in 3 rows. Full Sun. Little water or food. Produced over 300 pods. started in april and finished in june.
De-seeded with a sceen and ground dry pods in blender and pushed through a screen to make a poppy flour. yielded a pound.
I mixed 5-10 grams with juice and felt great.

It'll take some space. but they where too easy.

I mixed in one bag of chicken poop one bale of compressed peat moss. watered with well water and only fed once right at the transition from cabbage stage to flowering stage.

Do lots of research.


Well-Known Member
I grew these last summer

I did about 50 plants in 3 rows. Full Sun. Little water or food. Produced over 300 pods. started in april and finished in june.
De-seeded with a sceen and ground dry pods in blender and pushed through a screen to make a poppy flour. yielded a pound.
I mixed 5-10 grams with juice and felt great.

It'll take some space. but they where too easy.

I mixed in one bag of chicken poop one bale of compressed peat moss. watered with well water and only fed once right at the transition from cabbage stage to flowering stage.

Do lots of research.

The seeds in your link are peonys , their not known for potency at all, No known opium producers grow these comericeraly , Thats not to say you could have not got a very strong species

If your not milking pods (highly illegal) the strain hens and chickes is a sure bet , Otherwise look for seeds that are a product of india , the only poppy cultivation their is for opium , More northern regions tend to grow poppys for other purposses .

Also poppys will acclimadate themselfes to your climate over time if basic seed saveing technices are employed


Active Member
Just because they are peony doesnt mean they wherent somniferum. They where good. I promise. And they turneD out to be the best because they dont look like poppies.