Poppy Seed Extraction


Well-Known Member
its a good idea because it only seems as if it could be something that works... a theory that in the end is false; nonetheless clever. and I suppose you are right it wasn't totally pointless.


Well-Known Member
your gonna need to do a considerable amount of material but the seeds have to be organic but to pull anything worth while your gonna need like 10 pounds organic but 1 lb of seeds soaked in oj/lemon juice is the way to do it you dont want to heat the seeds as the seeds them selfs dont contain actives the powder thats on them when they get crushed out the poppy pod is what you want
There are numerous ways to extract Morphine and Codeine alkaloids from Poppy Seeds.

One method is smoking. You can create home-made opiate extract from as little as 1 pound of poppy seeds. First pour your seeds into a pan with water, and begin to boil. Let it boil until the water is half gone. Then strain out the seeds, and begin boiling again. This time, boil until all the water is gone, and there is a tar looking substance at the bottom of the pan. Get a razor blade and scrape it off the bottom, let dry for at least 12 hours. You can then hot-knife the extract, or load some in a bong with cannabis.

The other method is ingesting it orally in a tea. You can use a cold water extraction, or a hot water extraction. For cold water, pour the desired amount of seeds (300g plenty for one person) into a cup of cold water. Let the seeds sit for a few hours, shake occasionally. Strain the seeds, and drink the liquid. For the hot water extraction, pour desired amount of seeds into boiling water, let sit for 20 minutes, then strain seeds, let water cool, drink the water.

*Remember to slightly acidify the water before adding the seeds. You want a ph of about 6.5. You can do this with some lemon juice or lime juice.

The "high" of the tea has been described as very similar to most opiates. Euphoria, relaxation, sense of well being, happiness, and sedation are all common effects of the tea.


A dosage for a moderate strength tea would roughly 300 grams. Remember, tolerance plays a large role in dosage, if its your first time with Opiates, start with 200 grams. A dosage for an extremely powerful tea would be 1.5 pounds (700 grams.) Do not exceed 3 pounds (1300 grams.) A young man died from consuming 3.5 pounds of seeds in a tea, and he had a fairly large tolerance, so please be careful.


These tea extracts are dangerous. There is no real way to tell the potency of a seed batch, so tea strengths can vary. Remember, there are two VERY powerful alkaloids in this tea, MORPHINE, and CODEINE. Morphine is deadly at too high of doses, a kid actually died from making a poppy seed tea, he had a lethal level of Morphine in his bloodstream.

This tea is ADDICTING! Its basically Morphine tea, so don't be surprised when you start making impulsive trips to the grocery store to get poppy seeds, this is a REAL drug, with REAL dangers.

Signs of Morphine Overdose:
cold clammy skin
flaccid muscles
fluid in the lungs
lowered blood pressure
"pinpoint" or dilated pupils
slowed breathing
difficulty breathing
slow pulse rate
bluish colored fingernails and lips
spasms of the stomach and/or intestinal tract
anyone know what the results of this experiment were? I am a Biochemist and I work closely with this sort of thing. this sounds very innovative and i'm always interested to see what others discover when they try new things. I know that this thread hasn't had activity for a while but I thought I would ask anyway. Its just nice to see people interested in science regardless of whether its to get blazed or not.

Mr Farmer

Papaver Somniferum (the opium poppy) stores all of its desirable alkaloids in the pods (and the small node below the pod). The method your friend is using works but not off store bought poppy seeds (those seeds have been washed, washed again, washed once more for good measure and then packaged). poppy seeds tea is usually made with the whole pods (pulp, seeds and all). A small need to know piece of information.. Extracting morphine (in any way, shape, or form) is an illegal act in the U.S.A (its the first step to making heroin). the easiest ways of extracting alkaloids from Papaver somniferum all require that you grow the plants (which are very fragile in their seedling stage). from there you could #1. Scrape the pods right after the flower blooms. or #2 Dry them out and perform a liquid extraction with either alcohol or sightly acidic (light lemon juice) warm water (NOT hot water). Each liquid extraction will be time consuming (anywhere from a day to two weeks) when scraping a poppy pod will only take and hour or two (when including the time it takes the sap to dry).

Mr Farmer

To the OP.. If your looking for that opiate happiness ( or pain relief), I would recommend trying "Kratom". its a legal (in the usa) homeopathic pain reliever/antidepressant/sedative/dream inducer that plugs into the delta receptors (the same receptors in your brain that booze and oxicodone plug into). It still has the risk of dependency if you don't know moderation, but its has no documented cases of death or overdose. The Kratom tree grows in south asian countries like Burma and Thailand. You can find it online for decent prices (I would post some but I don't know rollitup's policy on that whole thing)


Active Member
Might want to stock up on the Kratom if that is your thing. DEA's might try to ban it, they are already lying about it's effects.
The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration's Office of Diversion Control lists kratom as a "Drug and Chemical of Concern" and says there's no legitimate medical use for kratom in the United States. A DEA report issued in December 2010 says pharmacology studies show that kratom has "opioid-like activity in animals," reducing pain, producing "sedative and euphoric effects," and a host of side effects including nausea, constipation, loss of appetite, and even "psychotic symptoms" in "kratom addicts," including "hallucinations, delusion, and confusion."

Dr. Frank LoVecchio, co-medical director of the Banner Good Samaritan Poison & Drug Information Center based here in Arizona, says he's treated five patients who used kratom and hasn't seen any terrible side effects.

"For every one or two patients I see that come in, there are probably dozens who do it and don't get into trouble," LoVecchio says. "In the few cases I've seen, it doesn't cause crazy symptoms. People get a little sleepy. I'm not sure what would happen if somebody OD'd." (To date, there's never been a reported fatal overdose of kratom.)
I was quite skeptical of poppy seed tea but I have tried mostly because of the site below. It's worth noting that the kid probably had a habit outside seeds and was using a legendary amount of seeds. Just don't drink your dose in one go. Drink a bit, wait, drink more, rinse repeat until desired dose. Oh yes and include the standard disclaimer about addictiveness and all that jazz.
The morphine content in poppy seeds can vary enormously (see link at the bottom of this page), depending on many factors: the exact type of seeds, the harvesting time, how well they are washed, and others. Poppy seeds sold in bulk in supermarkets are not controlled for the amount of opiates in them, but rather for their flavor and appearance, as they are meant to be used for baking. The inside of the seeds themselves does not contain opiates, but residual amounts are passed onto them from the pods during the collection process. When you make an infusion from these seeds, there is no telling how much opiates your solution will contain. You are truly playing a potentially deadly game of Russian roulette.
I suspect that minor amounts of opium are present on the outside of the poppy seeds are a result of them drilling the pods to get at the seeds. The best seeds also have a liberal amount of plant matter in them (means they have been poorly washed.) I have only tried it on three people (myself included, all of us have varying tolerances to opiates but none are chronic users) however soaking at least 400g of seeds in water for at least a half hour does seem to produce an effect beyond mere placebo. That said I have not yet had the good sense to get a piss test after consuming it to detect metabolites (will have to remedy that next time with a home thin-layer chromatography test kit). With a two litter pop bottle, more then 3/4th full of seeds, I can get a decent high (or knock out a bad migraine and get sleep that night) and even some nice waking dreams if the seeds have been quite poorly washed.

My advice to the anyone wanting to do an extraction proper is get a shitload of poppy seeds. They aren't watched so getting at least 10kg should not be a problem. The bulk seeds tend to be "dirtier" and cheaper. Finally try to get seeds from an opium producing country. Many of them just sell the seeds on as food and despite efforts to sterilize them a few will usually make it out of the process viable so if it doesn't work at least you can grow some poppies (expect only a few hits of O per harvest.)