Poppy questions.


Well-Known Member
I am intersted in growing enough to cover our ass if things go south in the county and proper medical care is difficult if not immpossible to obtain.

Can you use the raw paste that I've seen scraped of a cut "blub/flower head" as a pain
killer? Must it be smoked or can it be injested orally?
How much would one have to grow to have evough paste to last for a long time if it was only used when needed? What conditions does it need to grow: light, water, temps, shade,...... and so on?

I think I could get away with plant some around the property with no one having any idea they are, just pretty flowers.

And what variety do I need to buy, from who, and what should they cos?


Well-Known Member

"They" say you should grow as many plants as you can. The plant is not illegal the act of making opium and morphine is though. You can easily acquire seeds off the internet 100% legally in most states. There are a couple of strains that are better then others. Just Google "Poppy Head Tea" <--- Here I did it for you.

Well if you're looking to ingest it. "They" say you'd be better off not cutting them at all. "They" say what you should do is grow them out. They will swell up and then you chop them. Get the stem as long as possible.

Then "They" say you should hang them upside down until they get dry. Then you're going to get all the seeds out, there will be about 1 million of them.

Then "They" say you are going to want to take all of you product and run it through a coffee grinder. Mix all of the ground up product together in one bag to stabilize the batch.

Ok, no from here, "They" say what you're going to do is make tea.


"They" say start out trying 5 grams of the dried product. Heat the water ("They" say start out with sweet tea in the microwave for 2minutes). The amount of liquid should be 1 Cup. The product needs to steep for 20mins. "They" say you should cover your coffee cup with aluminum foil to keep as much heat in. After 20mins add honey and lemon juice to taste.



If you do 5grams and it's not good enough and you've waited at least 90 minutes, then "They" say you can make another cup with about 2.5-3grams of product.

*** "They" say you can build a tolerance to poppy tea. If you do decide to go down this road and try this as a natural pain killer NEVER use more then two days in a row and ALWAYS take a break twice as long as days on medicine.
i.e. If you drink tea Monday and Tuesday, DON'T drink anymore until Sunday. This will make it so you shouldn't go though withdrawals.

Do you research online and use your brain. Everything you need to know is on the internet. Make sure you know what you are doing before you drink any tea.

***I'm not at all held responsible for any dumb things you do to yourself. All of the information is easily accessed with a mouse click.***


hope you've got about an acre to devote to them.... or better. the yield is tiny, and they are finicky plants depending on where you live. good luck bro.


Well-Known Member
I think it is more than possible to make a medicinal stash just from your garden, if it is not for perma-recreational use.
You could use the raw opium, but its reasonably easy to further seperate into things like codeiine etc.
They don't like heat and water so you realy need to plan planting them very well.

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
I grow 2 different types of opium poppies.

One is called Persian Blue, and the heads are really large. Some get a little larger than a golf ball.

These of course give you a relatively large yield, and the opium is very good as well.

The other is a red poppy that was passed down to me from an old friend, I don't know the name but they look like the ones in The Wizard of Oz.

This type has a much smaller head, and thus the yield is smaller but the quality of the opium is very high, almost sweet.

I like to mix them as it makes a marvelous product.

I lance some and keep others whole.

They aren't too fussy if you give them a very loose and sandy well drained soil and water them lightly.
I've been trying to grow them inside now for a couple months, and been having shit for success. They are just so incredibly fragile when they are young, and have such weak root systems, it is hard to keep them alive. Nothing like growing an MJ plant.

I finally had a nice inside patch going last month, I'm about a month into it, and then my MJ's soil gets infested with Fungus Knats, who promptly lay their egg's into the Poppys soil as well. When their larvae finally hatched they started munching on the poppys weak root system, and killed off 75% of them before I realized what had happened. Pissed me off so much I threw the rest of them out. Trying again this time, only in sandy soil, and with a layer of Diatomaceous Earth mixed in the top 2 layers of soil. Hope to have enough success to at least get to smoke a couple bowls of the stuff. God knows I smoked enough of that Dragon's Blood Incense shit when I was a kid, that people use to pass off as opium. I've only had the real thing once before, and it was amazing. Hoping to make some Laudanum as well.

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
I grew a batch of indoor poppies last year.

They were very small and really wasn't worth the effort.

Poppies need lots and lots of full sun and mild to cool temps.