i just water it until run off once and thats it. remove the excess water and put under my lights. i literally water like my big plants which is when it dries out almost completely for me it takes about 5 days before i water again the same way. so im just watering on a 5 day schedule for you it might be different but if your watering soon then 5 day i would assume your over watering thus causing root rot thus killing your plants. i had a seedling just like that. watered every 3 days. after a while it got stunted figured it would grow later on leaves started to yellow so i was going to transplant it into dry soil and the plant just came apart with no effort. root rotted to hell.
other then that idk man temps and humidity seem fine besides for over watering only other thing i can think of would be the soil but i doubt it is the medium so then it just goes back to seed quality. where exactly did you get your seeds and how old are they/stored?
other then that idk man temps and humidity seem fine besides for over watering only other thing i can think of would be the soil but i doubt it is the medium so then it just goes back to seed quality. where exactly did you get your seeds and how old are they/stored?