Poppin 7 xanex and smokin a blunt who wants to chat?


Well-Known Member
accord, thats how i feel man
that somethin different every once and a while isnt a bad thing
as long as you dont over do it or turn it into a problem


Well-Known Member
haha dude
its kinna cool this thread has to do with weed and pirates now haha
i always wondered what itd be like to be a pirate
like what if you ran out of weed on a voyage how bad that would suck haha


Well-Known Member
Arrr mateys! Ye' never need fear'in of the loss of ye herb... for on this here ship lies 100 stone of ye most beautiful ganja! Hav'alooksin fer yerselves if ye' wish... and Dalia, prepare to be boarded!!! :hump: :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
im sick as fuck and work is going to kick my ass tomarrow. im glad where having this cool spell but its got me all fucked up


Well-Known Member
my backs been killing me all day. i took 1/2 of 1 blue xanax and i can't keep my eyes open. you just took 2 weeks worth of my meds.


Well-Known Member
haha dude those were brave people sailing out to sea
like have u ever seen that dangerous catch show?
that shit is crazy hah


Well-Known Member
socota if your serious ill totally join your crew haha
and fdd thats crazy haha
that makes me feel like im about to get fucked up


Well-Known Member
i'm down with a joining a pirate crew.

i was prescribed to take 4 norcos, 4 somas, and 2 xanax a day.

didn't take any and just sold them hoes. made a cool 600 too.


Well-Known Member
Arrr the rollitup crew! Avast fer' tonight we set sail to strange worlds... where ye' chins'll trimble and ye' fingers shake... oh, and Dalia... pardon me, but would ya mind if fired me cannon through your porthole? Hehe couldn't resist.


Well-Known Member
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 bars will kill faster than 1 death pill....but its hard to die when ure high...because ii think u have to be low to die


Well-Known Member
have fun said the unicorn....make love not war said the easter bunny...lalalalalalove is lovely wawawawar is kinda ugly...so be like the valentines day llama and llove...


Well-Known Member
that would be the greatest pirate crew ever
weed pirates man
haha thats fuckin funny and yet awesome haha
and guys thanks for the feedback haha
this is the coolest forum ever haha


Well-Known Member
hellz yea
where else can i post a crazy ass thread like this
and have so many badass people to reply haha
i love marijuana haha brings people together