Popo's Seed Strain, 1st grow!


Well-Known Member
both will be fine - either all cool or a mix.

that is a shit-ton of light, however. In my clone box, I have two T5s, and until they develop roots I leave one of them off or they will yellow fairly quickly. The seedlings can take it, but it will be too much for the clones.


Well-Known Member
The light I got you think is too much for clones? I thought it would do excellent. I could always lift it a bit if spotting occurs.


Well-Known Member
Well, what I have been using for all the projects for vegging from seed or clone, 2 T12 shop light 4 foot tubes, with grow(blue)spectrum and there taking for ever, but there growing roots and cloning just fine. I just thought I could speed up the process with a brighter one.

Should I get all cool, or leave it half and half, and lift it up a bit higher, or should just leave a few bulbs in at first?

Clones will be under current setup for 2 weeks, till the T5 fixture gets here. Any more advice? I need it ya know!


Well-Known Member
Well, what I mean is that in the first week or so, the root system is so small (non-existent at first) that they cannot process very much light. If you give them too much, they will yellow and possibly die.

As soon as they have a good amount of roots, just throw them in soil and put them under real light.

I do this by having one of those little cloner boxes with a dome to get their root systems developed, using one and then two T5s. You can fit a couple dozen average sized clones in that tiny thing. You know, one of these.

Your T12s will be fine for that. Then, the second they're ready for transplant, you put them in soil under real light - I've got a 400W MH for this, and gradually lower it as they can take it. You can use the T5 fixture for them then.

What do you have your mothers under?


Well-Known Member
mothers are in a sperate grow room I built out of sheet rock, and have a 4 " inline bringing fresh air from outside in, and a 6" inline exhuasting the 400 HPS(also have the MH Conv. Bulb for vegging).

Also have an oscilatating fan blowing on them and fly/nat sticky mat. Its my flower room.

But I started this project as my first grow. So I converted the Bench light to Cool Light bulbs for germing and cloning. But I have always felt that it did a sucky job. Plants take for ever.

So I thought, I could eventually build a Grow Room and use the new T5 I bought. That way i could get my bench back,and more secretive op.

But back to ur question. I used this light for refrence!

High Tech Garden Supply

Here it is in Action!

That shot was taken with the MH Conv. bulb.



Well-Known Member
Week 4 of Flowering:

I could not wait to put an update. These buds are growing fast. Check it out.


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Well-Known Member
I need some major advice. These are pictures taking in the last 20 min. These were seeds given to me by a retired cop who grow in the back yard. Now I am guessing there just bagseeds. So I am guessing its just crappy seeds from the shitty weed that comes from Mexico. But I could be wrong.

Any who, These plants are in week 4 of flowering. I need an expert opinion. Based on the type of seed, and week of flowering, can we determine the approximate time these babies will finish?

The reason why I ask is, I leave on Vacation, and when I do, these plants will be @ week 7 to 7 1/2. And I will be out of the house for 2 weeks. And I fly, so I there is no way I can take them with me to cure and dry.

So should I harvest right before I leave and use a fast method, or let them continue to flower while gone and flushing with pure water?



Well-Known Member
i can guarantee you they will not be done. that's a bummer. the only question is how smokeable it's going to be. it looks heavy on indica, so you may be in luck.

If it looks decent when you harvest it, you can probably rig something up so that they dry slowly enough while you're gone. You could put it all up on racks and restrict ventilation so they don't get crispy, as long as you get enough to thwart mold.


Well-Known Member
I am leaning on letting them go the full 11 weeks. Which is exactly when I get back. And since I will be gone for 2 weeks, I can flush them, get back, give them 24hrs darkness, and chop chop.

Just curious, what happens when left in flowering for say 15-20 weeks.


Well-Known Member
I would wait until you're getting ready to leave to make that decision. If they need 9 or 10 weeks to plump up, I would certainly rather do 11 than 7.5. You have a way to keep them watered while you're gone?


Well-Known Member
I would wait until you're getting ready to leave to make that decision. If they need 9 or 10 weeks to plump up, I would certainly rather do 11 than 7.5. You have a way to keep them watered while you're gone?
Yea, I made a setup once a had to leave for a week. Its worked flawlessly. Here is a pic. Its a small water fountain pump, connecting to a bunch of splitter and drippers, but I test it and timed it to drain out the bottoms. Nothing special, but effective.

And if the last 2 weeks of this harvest happens to look like week 10-11 I can just dump the pump in a large bucket, and water just with RO water while gone for flushing phase.



Well-Known Member
Everyday I can see bud growth. Dude, I scored and found a bunch of veggie benches that the grocery store was throwing away. Check it out. Im going to use it as my cloning bench, and mount my new T5 above it. Its all hard plastic too, so water proof. There were 2 more of these and a larger one too, if I had more room in the garage, I would have taken them all. I need to see if there is a company website. This table will make a great grow bench. I just recycled it! Good Karma!

Cones are finally showing some growth. The new t5 will kick that into gear. No more T12. They suck!



Well-Known Member
Date: 7/13 –10:15AM
Flowering Week 5 –Total days 90

Room Conditions:
LIGHTS (400W HPS) ON 12/12 (10am to 10pm)
Distance from top of Growing Medium 28"

Temperature – 80F
Humidity - 52%
Room/Light vent running-
YES - 24/0
Small room fan 12/12

Nutrient Solution:
[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Tiger Bloom® & Bog Bloom[/FONT]

Notes: Bud Develpement showing every day, and lots of Trich's! :smile:

I am very happy how these unknown strain is coming out. Any idea what strain name it could be?

By the way, does anyone else love using Randy's Papers? I love them, just not sure how healthy it is.

