popcorn buds


Well-Known Member
So i cut a few small nugs of my plant last nite and left them hanging and are still not dry
:leaf: I was jus wondering is there a good way to dry out these small buds a bit quicker:lol:


Active Member
i go by fernheit. i dont know about celcius. It wil probly take about 10 min just try it with a few buds.


Well-Known Member
that will do for about 10 min Keep the oven open. Its goona taste like poop but i will get you high.
poop ha yeah knew it would affect taste but poop ha:bigjoint:

Well give me about 30 mins to dry that shit, roll that shit then smoke that shit and il let you know how bad it tastes:leaf:


Active Member
A gentle, yet quick method is 2" of water in a pot - to a boil. Put a dinner plate on top, and turn it down. Find a good spot to dry, toward the edges. One hour - two hours, constantly monitored.


Well-Known Member
Well it smoked harsh and did taste bad but :-P:bigjoint::lol: i feel great now cant wait for the final product:leaf:
its some mex sativa ive had grown since july:bigjoint: